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The sound of an angry mob rung in my ears. Blurred vision, a painful headache, a bad dream? I tried to look around but all I saw were big black figures starring at us. Wait .... where's ..... Liz? *gasps and jolts upward* "LIZ!"
My vision was clear now and as I sat in what looked like moss and realized I'm in the apes colony. I looked around at the apes and saw Caesar, Caesar's son, the grey ape with muscles, the shy ape, an orangutan and gorilla ... I was now terrified.
"What did you do with Liz?"
The apes all got closer and knelt down around me. I didn't know where I was, it looked like a room made of sticks with moss beds and vine curtains. As I admired the room and noticing our bags looked messed up, the apes all glared at me, I felt worried.
"Where's my friend, I need to see my friend" I tried to get up but the ape with muscles shoved me back down.
Caesar than began to speak, "What are you humans doing here?"
"Tell me where my friend is!"
"NO!" The apes with muscles screamed which followed other apes hooting. I think I'm starting to remember what happened, the ape with muscles is called Rocket.
*rubbing the back of my head* "Why did you guys knock me and my friend out?"
"You guys seemed scared ... looked like you were going to escape. Now why are you guys here?" Caesar said as he glared at me.
"We were searching for a new living space *grabbing a hold of my locket* because *looked around at all the apes* We got kicked out of the human colony"
The apes looked at each other in confusion. Then Rocket signed to Caesar not knowing I would understand. Why would humans kick them out? Are they really that cruel that they destroy their own kind.
"They kicked is out because they never like us and our families" the apes were surprised I knew sign. "Um ... and yes some humans are that cruel because they wanted us out so bad that ... that they would hire someone to assassinate our families in order for us to leave" I looked down in sadness as I told them why we were here.
Caesar signed, I'm so sorry.
Thanks, I signed back.
I then looked around in panic wondering where my bow and arrows were.
"Wait, where's my bow? Oh no please Caesar and Rocket *nervously* don't destroy my bow my parents made that for me" my eyes filled with tears.
We won't, but we want to keep your weapons so we know you won't hurt anyone, Caesar signed.
I let at out bug relief breath. Then an ape burst through the curtain and he had a hold of Liz.
"LIZ! Are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine *ran to me, knelt down and hugged me* Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine" we looked at the apes.
Caesar turned to his son, who had the amazing blue eyes that matches the color of the sky. They were beautiful ... what am I thinking ew.
Son you and Ash are going to stay here and watch the humans. The blue eyed ape huffed and nodded to his father's command.
Caesar and the other grown apes left while Liz and I were stuck with two of the younger apes.
"What are your guy's names?" I said nervous and scared.
The shy ape smirked and looked at Liz and I and scooted very close to us and signed I'm Ash, this Blue Eyes.
Ash seemed interested in Liz's hair since she had cornrolls in her hair. And he seemed to be admiring her darker completed skin. While Blue Eyes would not stop starring at me he might be admiring my tan complexion. I was afraid to make eye contact because I knew I might blush. He was handsome for an ape, especially with those scars and I think Liz felt the same way about Ash.
After a long awkward moment I forgot to introduce myself ...
"I'm Ariana and this is Liz" Liz stopped admiring Ash, as I told them our names. Ash smirked and Blue Eyes nodded awkwardly.
Some of the apes seemed friendly but all I know is that Liz and I need to escape ASAP.

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