Birthday Surprise

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*2 years later*

It's been a couple years since Koba started what we thought would be a war between apes and humans. Luckily Koba and his loyal apes died during that fight, so the ape colony has nothing to worry about. There won't be a war ... We're all safe and happy.
A couple months ago Liz and Ash got officially mated, I cried tears of joy that day. They still tease Blue Eyes and I because we're still boyfriend and girlfriend after two long years.
I was walking to meet up with Blue Eyes for breakfast ...
*screams* "Do you want me to have a heartattack Liz!"
"Ash and I are having breakfast with you guys to talk about events coming up"
I gave Liz and confused look as we arrived at breakfast with Blue Eyes, Caesar, Cornelia, Cornelius, Maurice, Rocket, and Ash.
I of course sat next to Blue while Liz sat next to her husband.
Morning Blue signed
"Morning" I replied as I sat next to him as he kissed me on the cheek.
Hi cute sister Cornelius signed to me.
*chuckles* "Hi Cornelius" *smiles*
"So Liz said ... there's something coming up ... Ari" Caesar said.
I looked around to everyone who had grins on their faces. "Uh ... what's coming up?"
"Oh come on Ari don't play dumb. We all know your 18th birthday is coming up in two days!"
"Your birthday is in a couple weeks Liz!"
We're gonna through you a big celebration Cornelia signed as the others hooted
"You guys don't have to it's not that big of a deal"
It is a big deal because I have a big surprise for you that day Blue Eyes signed.
All I could do was smile ...

*2 days later*

Today was the day I officially become an adult. I was nervous because I didn't know what was going to happen at this celebration ... that I didn't plan for.
I was laying in my bed as Blue Eyes walked in and laid next to me.
You excited
"Not really"
"I just haven't had the urge to celebrate by birthday because all my other birthdays I was with my family" *frowns*
You have a new family to celebrate it with
*sighs* "You're right ... have to stay positive"
Blue Eyes smiled as he traces the scar on my neck and started kissing it. I playfully rolled on top of him and gave him a peck on the lips. He held me tight as I placed my chin on his chest and outlined his scars.
"I know what you're trying to do"
*smiles* What?
"You're trying to turn me on"
Ya ... so
I moved off of him. "Blue I told you I want to wait on doing that. If we try to have kids how will they turn out?"
He kissed my shoulder, I think they'll just look like chimps
"You think?"
Ya. Humans and apes are pretty much the same. The only difference is apes age quicker so you'll be pregnant less than if you were to have a human child
"You've been researching!" *smiles*
*chuckles* Maybe
I sighed and placed my head to his as Liz and Ash walked into my hut. And sat down in front of us.
"You ready for your big day bestie!"
"Ya I guess" *smiles*
So are you guys gonna have a baby Ash signed.
What? Blue Eyes signed.
We heard you guys talking
"You guys are annoying neighbors!"
We all chuckled.
"And no we're not having a baby"
"I think you'll love the experience Ari" *grins*
"What do you .... Awe Liz! TMI!"
*laughs* "What?"
*glares* "Were those the sounds I've been hearing last week?"
"Sick freak!"
When Blue Eyes moves in with you, we'll have to hear you guys
Hopefully not! Blue Eyes signed
"Okay can we talk about something else please!"
"YES! Your party is ready!" Liz said proudly
"This early in the morning?"
"Yup, let's go!"
We all headed into the ape colony and as we arrived Blue Eyes covered my eyes as we heard silence. I continued to get assisted by Blue as he lead me into my party. He slowly opened my eyes and I saw flowers everywhere. All the apes hooted as I stood there in shock. I walked up to Cornelia and Caesar as they gave me a big hug wishing me a happy birthday.
Happy birthday sister! Cornelius signed
"Thanks Cornelius" I said as I kissed him on the head.
The apes went back to their work as I sat with Blue Eyes, Ash, Liz and their families.
Who wants to go first? Cornelia signed
"Go first for what?"
We all made you something
"I'll go!" Liz said excitedly. She handed me a small vine bracelet that bad my initials and her initials on it.
"Is it a friendship bracelet?"
"Ya. You and I have both said we want something to represent our friendship"
"Thanks Liz" I said as I hugged her.
Us next Cornelius signed.
Caesar than handed me a rock that had a drawing on it, it was labeled "Ariana's Family". It had both my new and old family on it.
"Oh my god guys this is wonderful. Thank you so much" I said as I hugged Cornelius, Caesar and Cornelia.
Last is me! Blue Eyes signed as he handed me a bow.
*gasps* "My bow! I thought I would never see this again"
He smiled as I was looking at every part of my bow my parents gave to me. Which had my new and old family's initials, along with Liz's old and new family's initials. Then I froze as I saw Blue Eyes' s initials but something was wrote next to it. I started to cry tears of joy as I looked at the word mate?.
I turned towards Blue Eyes ...
"I love ... you ... alot. Will ... you please ... be ... my mate?"
I nodded my head happily as I leaned into his hug.
"That's why we wanted your birthday celebration to be early. If you were to say 'yes' you guys would be able to get married today" Liz said as she teared up.
You guys wanna get mated now?
Blue Eyes and I looked at each other as we nodded our heads in excitement.
Caesar got all of the apes attention announcing that Blue and I were officially mated. The apes lined up and I touched heads with all of the apes in the ape colony.
After we were done touching heads the apes through a celebration for us as Liz was balling her eyes out.
Cornelia placed a handmade headband on my head as they announced Blue and I the prince and princess of the ape colony. Blue and I touched heads as the apes all hooted congratulatory.
I may be a human who got married to an ape, but I was happily wedded and in love.

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