The Argument

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You were asleep dreaming of being in your room on your bed with a flashlight. (Oh god don't tell me it's Fnaf 4 .-.) You were confused why you had a flashlight by you. You turned and looked over at your alarm clock, it was 12:00 am. You were wondering why you were up this late until you heard something from your closet. You got up off of your bed and cautiously walked over to the closet.

"Uhh.. is someone in there..?" You asked, your fear starting to build up a bit.

You slowly opened the closet door to see a nightmarish version of foxy.

You quickly shined your flashlight in his face and quickly closed the closet doors startled by the sight you just saw.

"W-What was that!?" You asked yourself and ran back over to where your bed was.

You were about to go back in your bed until you paused. You saw three little nightmarish freddys, they were just sitting on your bed until you shined your light on them and they disappeared quickly.

"Those things were weird.." You said to yourself.

You started to hear breathing coming from a door, you walked over to the door you heard it from you didn't want to know what was making that breathing sound and just closed it, until you heard a deep sorta glitchy voice.

"He-Hey! Wh-What w-as t-that f-or!?" The voice said as you backed away from the door.

"Please go away!" You said to the voice as you heard nothing else from the voice.

You walked back over  to the closet to check on Foxy, but when you opened the closet door and shined your light all you saw was a Foxy plush. (your foxy plush If that's what you choose as one your plushies from the prize corner)

"W-Wait how is there.. he was in a nightmare form?" You said to yourself confused by what you just saw.

~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

You finally heard your alarm clock go off it was 6 am you sighed in relief. You woke up kinda startled by the dream you just had. You thought it was real until you saw that you still had your plushies by you. You were confused and about to start thinking about what happened until you started to hear yelling from the kitchen. 

You walked down the steps, stopping in the living room to see the sight of your parents arguing and fighting. You were a bit startled by this sight you've seen your parents argue before, but not as worse as your seeing it now. You wanted to ask what was happening until your mother turned over to you.

"(Y/n) go play in the backyard, you do not need to see or hear this." Your mother said as she turned back to your father who was mad and red in the face (Dang.. mad much..?).

You got dressed, put on your shoes and took some of your plushies or toys and headed out to the back yard. The back yard wasn't bad you had your swing set with a slide attached to it, a trampoline, and your play house. You couldn't hear your parents arguing anymore because the walls of the house were pretty thick so you didn't hear a lot of stuff, which you see why your mother told you to go play in the back yard.

~~~~~~~~~One argument later (Geez..)~~~~~~~~~~

Your mother called you back into the house. You saw her pinked face and tears in her eyes, and you realized your dad was no where in sight anywhere in the house. You wanted to ask what happened then your mother started talking.

"(Y/n) sweetie.. your dad went to go do something.. and he's probably not coming back.." She said sadly as you had a confused look on your face.

"Not coming back? like not coming back to the house?" You asked a bit confused.

Your mother wanted to tell you more, but she said she'll tell you more later.  

A/N: Okay I'm gonna end this part here.. heh two parts in one day didn't think i had that in me so.. uhh I hoped you enjoyed this probably start the next one soon.. uhh, yeah.. o-o.

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