The Play Date: Jamming with Bonnie?

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After you, Freddy, and Bonnie talked for a bit, you thought Bonnie had his guitar, but he couldn't find it anywhere.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Freddy watched Bonnie look for his guitar. Then I heard Freddy sigh.

"Seriously Bonnie.. This is the third time this week." Freddy said.

"Oh be quiet! The last time wasn't my fault!" Bonnie said causing Freddy to roll his eyes.

"Okay, so how did it "Magically" appear in the night guard's office last time." Freddy said, causing me to laugh a little.

"Well you know maybe somebody could've put it there accidentally." Bonnie said.

"And I'm pretty sure that someone is you." Freddy said.

"Well how would you know? You weren't watching, so you wouldn't know who could've done it." Bonnie said.

Then I saw Foxy walking over here.

"Aye what's with all th' arguin' I can hear it from me cove!" Foxy said.

"Well Freddy blaming me that I lost my guitar the last time it went missing." Bonnie said.

"Really? ye lost yer guitar again.. Ain't this th' third time this week?" Foxy said face palming. 

"Thank you!" Freddy said.

Meanwhile I was laughing.

"Whatever you guys are no help." Bonnie said.

"Maybe we can help Bonnie look for his guitar like a finding game." I said.

"Nah, I'm good." Freddy said.

"Same, not interested." Foxy said.

Me and Bonnie looked at each other. Then I looked at Foxy.

"Is it because you know I would find it before you will?" I said in a teasing tone and I saw Foxy's ears perk up.

"Are ye challengin' me lass?" Foxy said as I started snickering.

"Hmm.. maybe, maybe not." I said.

"Well I rest assure ye that this cap'n be best at findin' stuff." Foxy said.

"Mhmm... we'll see about that." I said as I saw Foxy's face turn into a playful grin and he put his captain hat back on.

"Challenge accepted lass." Foxy said as we saw Bonnie and Freddy laughing.

"'n wha' are ye laughin' about Freddy? Ye prolly couldn't beat us mostly me anyways." Captain Foxy said.

"Hey!" Me and Freddy said at the same time, Bonnie still laughing.

"Is that a challenge Fox?" Freddy said glaring at Captain Foxy.

"I dunno, Does it seem like one t' ye." Captain Foxy said laughing, looking at the furious bear.

"I think you are challenging me!" Freddy said with a furious glare.

Me and Bonnie started walking quietly to go find the guitar.

"Well you guys have fun with your argument, and we'll just find the guitar before you guys do." Bonnie said as we started walking away laughing.

"Oh no you/ye don't!" Freddy and Captain Foxy said at the same time.

Soon we all started running around everywhere in the pizzeria looking for Bonnie's guitar.

I went to look in the security office, Bonnie looked in the back stage area, Captain Foxy went to look in the Janitor's closet, and Freddy went to check the boy's restroom. 

"Nothing in the backroom!" Bonnie yelled.

"Aye, Thar be nothin in th' Janitor's closet either!" Captain Foxy yelled as well.

"No guitar in the security office either!" I yelled.

"Gosh Bonnie! where did ye even put yer guitar!?" Captain Foxy said.

"I don't know! Maybe you guys aren't looking hard enough." Bonnie said.

Me, Freddy, and Captain Foxy all gave Bonnie the "Really..?" faces.

Then I realized nobody checked the kitchen.

"Well I'll go look in the kitchen." I said running to it before anybody else gets any ideas.

Freddy, Bonnie, and Captain Foxy still scrambled around the other areas of the pizzeria trying to find the guitar before anybody else does.

As I went into the kitchen I saw Chica and Mike talking and eating pizza.

"Geez you guys were at this for a long time." I said as I saw them both looking at me.

"Heh.." Mike said and Chica was laughing.

"So what are the boys doing now?" Chica asked.

"Oh we're all in a competition to find Bonnie's guitar." I said and Chica shook her head.

"Oh boy.." Chica said and sighed.

"Geez isn't this like the third time already this week?" Mike asked.

"THANK YOU MIKE!" Freddy shouted.

"SHUT UP MIKE!" Bonnie also shouted.

Me and Chica laughed hard.

Mike just sighed and rolled his eyes while me and Chica were still laughing.

"Anyways, you're trying to find Bonnie's guitar in here?" Chica asked me.

"Yeah.. Have you seen it anywhere in here?" I asked.

"Hmm.. I don't think I have.. Have you seen it Mike?" Chica asked turning to Mike.

"Nope not at all." Mike said.

"Hmm... I'll just look under the ovens." I said.

"Okay be careful." Chica and Mike said.

I got down on the floor and looked under the ovens and stoves.

"Hmm.. not under there." I said.

I looked over at the sink. I saw one of the sink cabinets not closed all the way like something was preventing it from closing.

I walked over to the sink cabinets and opened the door that wasn't closed all the way, and to my surprise, there was the guitar.

"Hey I found it!" I said as Chica and Mike looked over to where I was.

Chica sighed.

"That bunny always has his guitar in the most unusual places.." Chica said rolling her eyes, Me and Mike laughed at her reaction.

"Well, I guess you better go give him his guitar back." Chica said.

"Yep." I said as I left the kitchen.

I saw Bonnie and walked up to him.

"Hey Bonnie I found your guitar." I said holding it out towards him.

"Oh! My Guitar!" Bonnie said happily. 

"Aw man, The lass bested me again." Captain Foxy said.

"You're still a good captain to me." I said as I saw his face lighten up.

"Well thank ye lass.. And ye be the best pirate to me." Captain Foxy said and I smiled.

A/N: The bunny has been reunited with his guitar :p.. Anyways hoped you enjoyed the play date.. Geez I have so much energy I could just type all day o-o.. Well I guess it doesn't help to eat sweets either... (well no dip sherlock.. .-_.-) 

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