Randy Orton imagine.

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** your pov **


That's all I could feel. If it was true, anyway.
People from everywhere were telling me that Randy was talking to his ex wife, Kim, again. Even his coworkers suspect it. I had no idea. He doesn't keep his phone laying around. I understand he has a child with Kim, but he promised me he was done with her. Kim said she was done with him, too. Samantha has never been like this to me. Her and I are actually friends. She said that Randy would never cheat.

"Just come out and ask him." "Ask Kim." "Take his phone and look through it." I was being told all these things to figure out some answers.

** night **
Randy was in the kitchen cooking dinner for myself and him. I was laying in our bedroom looking through a fashion magazine. I'm a fashion designer and I own a boutique in Miami. I was browsing through the book to order some more clothing items. Looking over at his desk, I seen his iPhone. He usually never leaves it there. I really didn't want to look. I'm not that type of girlfriend at all. But, I need answers.

Beep! Beep!
His phone signaled a text message. My curiosity got the best of me. I had to know. Getting up from the bed, I walked over to the desk. He had no passcode on the phone which shocked me. I opened the messages up. Sure enough, there was a new text from Kim.

Kim: I don't get why you won't respond. I'm still in love with you. Why can't we be together? 

Wow.. I browsed through the messages. She was desperately trying to get him back. He had only responded once or twice to her. I read one where he responded.

Kim: you know I was good to you. I love you, Randall. You're my everything. You're the father to my baby girl. Come back to me. (Y/n) is no good for you! I'm the best. Leave her and com back. It'll be like old times.
Randy: yeah, you were good for awhile, but then you went and cheated on me. I'm the father to that baby girl, but you're no mother. (Y/N) has treated Brooklyn like gold and had never once threw her off to somebody. I'm in love with her, not you. Stop trying. I know you have people telling (y/n) that I'm cheating. Leave me alone. If you continue to bother us, I will go to court. So, stop. Kim, you need to go live your life and stop trying to take mine away from me. I have a good woman who comes home to me every night.

I wiped my tears that fell from my eyes. Randy wasn't cheating like they all said. I didn't even know what to think.

"I was wondering if you had read those, yet." Randy's voice scared me.

"I-I didn't want to, b-but everyone kept-" I was cut off by him walking over and speaking.

"I know, babe. Everyone was telling you and others that I was cheating. I found out from John that Kim came to him the other day and tried to make him believe I was. He knew I wasn't, so she went to others and told them I was. I don't love her, I love you. I'd never in a million years have the heart to go out and cheat on you. You're the one who treats Brooklyn like she's your own daughter. Brooklyn loves you. And so does Alanna. They look up to you so much, baby. Samantha is happy that Alanna has you here. You're the only woman I want. I love you so much and I only want you in my life. Nothing can change that ever."

Speechless, I just hugged him and sobbed into his neck. Nobody has ever treated me so good like Randy has. Why would they try to make me believe he cheated? Brooklyn and Alanna meant the world to me. They're wonderful girls.

"I'm so stupid for believing them. I'm sorry I did. You mean the world to me and I'm not sure I could handle losing you. I love Alanna and Brooklyn like their my own. I love you, Randall Keith."

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