First Date.

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Roman was taking you to a fancy restaurant that you both loved. Along with that, he was taking you to a drive in movie theater.

Seth was a fun person. Seth took you to the carnival in town and to a small diner. Just something simple.

Dean and you went to a bar. You drunk just a bit, and you both danced the night away. A lot of laughs happened.

Randy took you to a restaurant and then to one of his movie premieres. He was excited to bring you along.

Baron wanted to make the date simple. He took you out to a waterfall where he had a picnic set up. It was nice.

Enzo decided to take you to an amusement park and won you a teddy bear. You loved it.

Cass decided to do something small. He invited you to his place and you watched movies and ate pizza most of the night.

Cesaro took the two of you out to a wine vineyard and you sampled wine. Then, you headed to his place for a movie night.

The two of you were in Ireland, so he took you sightseeing and out to his favorite restaurant. He enjoyed bringing you.

Finn treated you to a movie, and then the two of you went for a walk on the beach.

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