About Me.

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So, I've noticed that y'all don't really know a whole lot about me!
I found these questions on Pinterest, and I figured I would answer them and add some more.

1. If I could spend a day in someone else's shoes, it would probably be my late papaw. I'd want to see how he handled his pain and how every day was for him and how he seen me in his eyes.
2. The celebrity that gets on my nerves the most would be either Taylor Swift or Kim Kardashian. I feel as if both of them are way too dramatic and are completely selfish.
3. In my time capsule, I'd probably put concert tickets, a bottle of Jack Daniels, and maybe some vinyl records.
4. I wanted to be a dance teacher as a kid, lol.
5. In personality, I find a sense of humor adorable. In physical, I love eyes.
6. Never happened, ha.
7. Um, it was in the winter and our car got stuck on ice. I really had to pee, so I peed beside the car in a ditch, lol.
8. I'm 16 and still haven't kissed anyone. I know, im awful.
9. I don't have any strange or unique phobias that I know of. Most of mine are pretty normal. Fear of heights, snakes, drowning, and being burned.
10. One toy I'd bring back would be the Furby Doll. That thing was my favorite.
11. I'd spend my last day with family and friends making the best of it.
12. 3 words describing myself. Shy, Outgoing, and Caring.
13. One day I'd like to relive would be any that involve my papaw. He's is/was everything to me.
14. If I could be a Disney villain, I'd be Maleficent. I love the character and Maleficent is a woman who's good, but bad things have happened to her and made her how she is.
15. My title of my novel would be "Surviving Me."
My own questions!!!
1. My full name is Presley Noel France. And I'm 16!
2. I live in an extremely small town in Tennessee and I hate it.
3. My best girlfriend is Dazi. I'm the blonde! I love her to death and I love her Jeep. My best guy friend is Jonathan. I don't have any pics with him, sorry.

 I don't have any pics with him, sorry

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4. I'm homeschooled due to home issues.
5. I love to read and listen to music. It's my favorite thing ever.
6. I'm a natural blonde.💁🏼
7. I aspire to be a Forensic Nurse when I get older.
8. I'm not the most social person ever. I only have like 3 friends. Most of my friends turned their backs on me when I got homeschooled.
9. I used to take dance classes for like 12 years. I miss it a lot!
10. WWE is my favorite. I've been watching it since January of this year. 😈🖤

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