The Other World Above Us

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~ A/N Just a quick note, I might make some chapters long or short due to the amount of free time I have. I do have school and other things i need to do too sadly. But I'll try my best to fit this in :)) Make sure you've read the first chapter to understand this one!!


As I was just about to swim out the grand palace gate to meet Levy, I was halted by someone's voice.
" Where do you think your going young lady? "
Spoke a deep voice that sounded very concerned.
" Oh its only you father, " I groaned, " I'm going out to see Levy I'll talk to you l- "
" A princess would stay in her palace, somehow you are the opposite of that Lucy. Tsk. " Interrupted My father sternly as he went into his Office. Man, I wonder what's his problem? I can't worry about that now, I've go to go see levy!

With levy & Lucy

" NO WAY ARE YOU FOR REAL?! " I added Shockingly.
" YES WAY!! There's only way for you to go to the other world above us. It's quite risky tho..." Explained Levy Reassuring me to keep calm in case anyone else hears us.
" Alright then it's settled missy, you're going to the Human world, but first I need to get something for you. It'll help you survive when you're up there. I need to ask you something too, why do you want to go so badly? " Questioned Levy.
" Uhhh, it's r-really nothing... y-yeahh nothing really. " I replied nervously whilst stuttering on my words. Levy smirked, " I know, you want to find love don't you? You're trying to get rid of the spell right?"
" Welp, you caught me Levy but honestly I don't agree with my father's actions at all. I only agreed so we could keep our mermaids and mermen safe." I sighed.
" Don't worry lulu, I believe in you. Now let's get going shall we?" Agreed Levy.
" Yeah let's get going." I replied.
After Levy collected her stuff and gave it to Lucy, Lucy was ready to enter the Human world. Since the spell has a barrier, Levy and Lucy sneakily swam to the barrier and levy unlocked it with her script magic.
" Now remember Lucy, be careful. I want you to come back safely okay? Don't do anything stupid. Oh! and good luck with the boys!! " Levy giggled as she waved goodbye.
" Oh you, heh. Don't worry I'll be back soon!" I added before I swam upwards through the hole that levy made to break the spell barrier.
" Finally, I can actually enter the Human world! this is going to be soo much fun!" I whispered to myself,
" I wonder what will happen on this adventure of mine..." Little did Lucy know the unknown dangers that were right behind her back.

~ A/N OoOoO CLIFFHANGER >:3 me so evil. Anyway, I hope your enjoying my story so far! I really like writing the chapters too🌸. Remember to leave a follow, vote and comment too. Also add it to your reading list if you want to have another book of this series.

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