He sensed that I was uncomfortable as I was playing with my fingers. He cupped my hands and sat down next to me.

My eyes met his and I took my hands away from his.

"Im sorry" he spoke

"Your sorry?..." I said feeling my emotions rising

"I had time to think about it and I was wrong so for that, I am sorry" he spoke back

"I don't understand what happened Jack? We were so close at one point, you were the person I wanted to spend all my time with and felt the most comfortable around. I have been through such a hard time and you weren't there for me. Hell you thought I did it all for attention. How could you be so heartless?" I spoke letting out my anger.

I could see he started to feel bad as his body language changed.

"I know, I regret what I said and how I have been silent towards you. I don't know what else to say other than I'm sorry and I want to be there for you" he said grabbing my hands again.

"It's too late for that Jack, do you know how many sleepless nights I have had reliving the moment over and over again in my sleep. I have been going insane. I feel violated and no one can ever get rid of this feeling, no one can ever grant me that special moment to have with someone as all I think about when someone touches me is him. I am never going to get rid of this pain" I croaked, turning my face away as my tears began to stream.

"I feel terrible, I'm sorry. I wish I could change what happened"

"You can't Jack, that the point, you weren't there, you haven't been there for me and instead, you've been using your time to get back with your ex. Did any of our time together mean anything to you?" I spoke standing up, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Yes, of course it meant everything to me Elena" he said standing up trying to hold my hands once more.

"Stop touching me Jack" I shouted, backing away from him.

"I've been lonely and Olivia has been there for me, I'm sorry. I didn't want to upset you."

"You're not getting it Jack, you've been lonely? I have been stuck in my house for weeks on my own, how do you think i feel? No one has thought about me, no one fucking cares" I shouted walking out of bedroom door.

Why does no one care for me?

What is wrong with me?

"Elena! Wait"

I force my way through the random body's partying, I kept on stumbling here and there due to the effects of weed still running through my veins.

I manage to escape to the air and sigh at the loneliness of the night.

I walked to our front door and get out the spare key. I begin twisting the lock.


I look to see an out of breath Sammy.

"What are you doing here Sammy, you can go back to the party" I said walking into the house.

trouble : jack gilinsky (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now