f i f t y

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A happy ending can't come in a middle of a story, my love. We didn't reach the end, yet.


Adam's POV


"Can I have a chicken burger?" She says through the speaker. "A happy meal."  Her eyes shine reflecting the bright light stands on the side of the drive thru.

"A happy meal?" I repeat. "How old are you?"

She scowls and leans her head out of the window. "Don't forget the pink hair unicorn, please." She turns to me and pulls her tongue out.

I smile. I love her. "I love you."

She smiles. "Even with my pink hair unicorn?" She says adorably.

I wrinkle my nose and shake my head. She puffs. A stupid smile plasters over my face as I lean forward. "Even with your pink hair unicorn."

I kiss her.

At this moment, with Riley's gun aimed at Lucian and Spencer down on his knees begging Riley to lower the gun, I wish I can be torn apart by a pink hair unicorn.

I feel so weak. So I sit down and stare at them. Lucian scowls at me as he folds his arms to his chest.

I reach for my cigarette pack and knock it on the back of the palm of my hand for the nicotine to reach the filter. I purchased it before arriving here. Any form of addiction is better than cutting. I rip off the package and pull out two. One for me and one for Lucian.

I place it between my lips and hand another to Lucian. He does the same as he nears me to light up the cherry. When I'm done with his, mine follows and I inhale deeply as the dry air enters my lungs, holding it several seconds before letting it out.

I realize my entire focus is on a damn cigarette and not that piece of gun, still aimed at Lucian with a confused owner. Riley's intimidated.

"So, Riley," I begin. "Why do you want to shoot him?" I take another puff. "You do realize all your defenses are with a gun. What are you too scared to fight with your hands?" I arch an eyebrow. "How many times do you have to point a damn gun till you get answers. You can just ask," I offer.

He's even more confused. He smirks. "If it was Lesley that died, and who advocated it was standing right in front of you, wouldn't you pull a gun at him, perhaps the trigger?" He challenges.

My jaw tenses. "I would."

"Then why shouldn't I?" He pushes, hesitant.

I glance at Spencer and to Lucian then back to Riley. "Because you're not me," I reply. "This room is filled with troubled people with troubled pasts and troubled futures." I take a puff. "Lucian and I lost both of our parents, so we understand the anger and grief that follows. We understand what you've been through."

He shakes his dead. "No, you don't. She- she took her own life." His voice comes out dead.

I inhale. "So did our mother." He frowns, confused. "We blamed ourselves. Heck, I still blame myself. But we didn't know. How could we?" I shrug.

Path to Deciduous (Sequel to Road to Evergreen) | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now