t h i r t y - f o u r

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Songs for this chapter:

Nick Jonas- Close
3 door down - In the dark

Adam's P.O.V

I miss her.

God, I miss her so much. A day passed by and I tried to occupy myself. Hell, I even did the laundry.

I went to work and Genevive could see the redness in my eyes. She took me aside making sure that I wasn't high. It was the face Lesley left me haunted with that kept me up at night. She did her job as my secretory, taking over my meetings and labeling me as unavailable. But I needed the work.

After an hour of Trenton and Maria explaining what happened, I called Jenkins. He was irritated at first but when the news cracked into the head of his, he sprinted. Maria kept denying the fact that she shot Lesley. And I tried calling Riley several times last night and this whole day but he didn't reply. On top of that, the clock keeps rolling and it's almost the twenty-fifth hour.

I even wonder if she will attend the trial. I don't know if I can do this without her. I called Megan but she shut me down. "Give her some space. She's mad at you so don't make her say words she'll regret."

"She's at Spencer, isn't she?"

I hear her sigh over the phone. "Does it matter? She want to be left alone. So leave her. Before she actually leaves you."

I frown and take another long drag. "You sound British." I exhale.

"No, I don't. I'm purely American."

She did it again. "Has Barry been getting on your skin lately? Sorry, I meant under."

"Shut up." She chuckles. "Good to know that you're back to yourself."

"I think it's the joint I'm smoking that got to me."  My legs are flying and I'm starving. "Do you think you can cook me something?" I start laughing.

"Go shower and order some pizza. I got to go." She hangs up.

"Buzz kill," I say to no one in particular.

Oh, the times I stopped myself from knocking at his door. I went two times and when I reached Spencer's doorstep, I froze.

And now, the bed is empty and I can't sleep. The sheets feel cold at my skin even if it's boiling hot outside. The trial is tomorrow and I'd be lying if I said I'm not anxious. When Lucian is on the stand tomorrow, he will have to say the truth. I'll finally hear it from him.

We tried to reach a settlement, reducing his sentence to five years instead of ten. He turned it down. He is my brother after all and I'd wish if he could make this all wash away.

The alarm beeps and I reach over to snooze it. I rub my eyes feeling heat rage through them. After drinking three cups of coffee alone on the empty fire-case, I take a shower and wear one of my suits. I pick up my phone and debate on texting Lesley. Instead, I dial Spencer's number.

"Ready for the big day?" He sounds joyful over the phone.

"Is she coming?" I go straight to the point.

"I'm not sure," he sounds genuine.

"Jenkins told me what you found out. He even talked to Maria several times offering a settlement. She is still denying."

I hear him shuffle something around. "Jenkins is digging about Maria with his associate. The security footage of the supermarket's parking lot miraculously has that ten minutes encounter gone. So far, nothing."

Path to Deciduous (Sequel to Road to Evergreen) | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now