s e v e n t e e n

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Songs for this chapter:

The Calling- Wherever you go
Daughtry- Life after you

Lesley's P.O.V

I pull the car on the side of the road, turn the tail lights off and get out. I grab my phone immediately and turn the flashlight on. It's chilly and I wish I got a thin jacket. I hear the sounds of owls and my heart skips a beat. I wrap my arms around myself and walk, the sounds of branches and leaves crushing underneath, hoping that I'm heading in the right place. If not, then I will be stranded here. No. Stop thinking that. After what feels like hours, my heart jumps from excitement as I spot the tree house. I almost cry out of happiness. I inch closer to the tree and start climbing. However, I fall several times on my ass and get myself some slight scratches across my elbows and knees. After the fifth attempt, I'm half way up as I hear the sound of glass crashing. I flinch and hold tighter on the branch, startled. Two more seconds, and another crash fills the silence of the forest. I inhale, preparing myself for what's coming.

When I finally make it up the tree house, I gasp. His bloodshot eyes dart at me and my heart sinks. "Lis?" His voice comes out shaky. There's at least a dozen of empty beer bottles scattered all across the floor. Bile threatens to rise but I swallow it back. It's happening again. But this time with Adam and not my mother. I want to cry and crawl in a corner but instead I head to the small counter and search. After finding a plastic bag, I pick up the beer bottles and place them in, cleaning up. I still haven't said anything, and he's just staring at me this whole time. I can smell the scent of booze from a distance, so I further myself even more.

"You're pretty," he laughs. I roll my eyes. "And you're drunk."

He gets up from the floor and walks toward me. I take a few steps back. "Don't come near me!" I order. He frowns. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You don't know that."

"Are you scared from me?" I look away from his eyes and stare at the ground. All this time, you'd think that you can handle drunks, you can't. Just like when my mother lost her control. Harry was frightened and so was I. She crashed all the plates in the cupboard, and we locked ourself in my room. Why should this be any different?

"Are you mad?" He asks. I shake my head no. "I'm disappointed." He takes me off guard by laughing to my answer. I frown at him.

"You're always disappointed in me, in life and in everyone. Nothing pleases you," he says. One, two, three knives I swallow. And they hurt, especially since these words are coming out of his mouth. "You're drunk," I say. He rolls his eyes, "and you're pretty. And you have a great ass to go with that." He smirks. "I think we got that covered a minute ago." I look away, pissed.

When I don't reply to his comment, he keeps pushing. "Why aren't you talking to me?"

I yell. I even scream. "Because you're drunk!"

He blinks several times. "I have the right to!" He yells back.

"Why? Because you have some family issue and you're going to turn to alcohol? Stop being a baby who appears to be unable to handle his own problems. " I scowl at him. His jaw tenses. "What am I here for, eh?" My voice raises. "You always have to be so selfish!"

He leans closer and runs his hand through his hair. I take a few steps back. "I'm selfish?" He yells back. "All I've been doing is for you to be happy! To be safe!"

"No. You're doing this because you can't stand the idea of what your brother did. And when you realize what you're doing it's going to hit you. Hard." I place the trash bag aside. "Stop closing your heart and allow me in." I push him back at his chest.

Path to Deciduous (Sequel to Road to Evergreen) | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now