Pithenna the new breed

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Troy Stevens fought pit bull dogs for a living and in order to fight against one of Troy's champion bloodline dogs one had to have at least ten thousand dollars or better. Troy Stevens lived in a lavished home in upstate New York. Everyone who was anyone knew to bring there dogs in with muzzled on there animals who was scheduled to fight. The rules were that each owner had to bring there dogs to the house early in the morning. This would keep the neighbor's from seeing what was going on with all the animals entering into Troy's home. Today Troy would fight Neptune first this was one of his prize fighting dog's who was undefeated. The fight was schedule at about eight o'clock in the morning and the dogs were to fight until one of them died. The crowds started to pour into the house by the boat load. The fight ring was down in the sound proof basement that troy had build when he first started to fight all three of his dogs. He would always start his fight of with Neptune then afterwards it would be his other dog name Nehru's if he lost for some apparent reason then he would call out Bane. Each dog held the title of being undefeated with over hundreds of win kills under there built.

The crowd was cheering there voices were raspy from trying to send out commands to the dogs they'd like to win. Troy entered the basement with all three dog bane led the way looking as strong as ever. He was soon followed by Neptune and on Neptune's hip just to the right of him came Nehru's. A sixty pound muscle machine who's bite weigh in at a thousand pounds of pressure. The difference troy dogs had over all the others was that all his dogs new only numbers. It was Troy's way of being the only person his dogs would understand when he commanded them.

The fight was beginning to start everyone inside Troy's home was of some importance. These people placed bets well in the numbers of a million dollars each. These dogs were the ultimate fighting machine's equip to kill anything by attacking certain areas on the body of its victims. Each man knew the rules the dogs were to fight to the death only one dog was allowed to leave the basement once the fighting was over.

The crowd was screaming out the name Neptune everyone's adrenalin was in high alert. Then Troy walked in with Neptune a seventy five pound Colby mixed with staffer shire. A true beauty this dog specialized in grabbing onto the other dogs neck ripping out its throat this was his signet move and it worked everytime. Next the other dog entered the ring along with its owner he was truly a beautiful sight. His bloodline came from two time champion red nose snooty he weighed in at approximately sixty five pounds of pure muscle.

Neptune had won sure enough Troy was waiting on the next fight of the day. He stood by while others patted his back to congratulate him in his success with his dogs. Renee Goodwin was a good friend of Troy Stevens she never missed any fight Troy threw at his home. He could count on her being there to support him she was there the day he purchase all three of his dogs. Each name the dog has was due to Renee naming them she was his friend ever since grade school. There was no separating the two of them they did everything together. Troy watched as Renee sip on her wine he particularly loved when she controlled the crowd and made sure things were running well.

Each man took its dog muzzle off the dogs were well trained not to whine or bark until the fight began. Once the bandanna was thrown the fight begun. Troy bent down and whispered the number nineteen in Neptune's ear both dogs went at each other with brute force so hard that both dogs were knocked backwards. Neptune did what he always done he used his muscular weight to pin the dog down while he bit into its neck. Soon the crowd got quiet everyone heard the dog gasp for air Neptune was crushing its windpipe the dog only had seconds to live. The crowd went wild people were placing bets and collecting there winnings. Neptune won the fight the other dog was dead. Troy exited the ring with Neptune and collected his earnings of seventy five thousand dollars to add to his collection. The next up to fight was Nehru's this was truly a extraordinary dog he weighed in at sixty five pounds pure muscle. When he walked in the room the crowd went wild Nehru's stood tall next to troy he waited for his command and when the fight started it didn't take long before he ended his opponent by ripping out its testicles. Troy collected his earnings of well over fifteen thousand dollars, he was truly on a winning streak like always.

Pithenna the new breed  By Earl Peters.Where stories live. Discover now