Chapter 7

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I dedicate this chapter to thrillerfan123, for liking my story thanks :)

Hey guys here comes the new chapter sorry for late update.

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We went downstairs, he took me outside, in the garden and there was a table for two, it was beautifully decorated it had flowers and champagne and there were two men standing dressed as waiters, he was still holding my hand, we went towards the table. He pulled the chair for me and I sat, he went on his side and sat in his chair.

"Candles" Ashton said. One of the waiters lit the candle that was on the table.

"Leave" Ashton ordered them, they left and we were alone now. I was quiet I didn't say anything and he was like always staring at me, why the hell he always stare at me.

"Our first date my love" Ashton said. Date! What date? I was thinking.

"This is not a date" I said, looking very annoyed.

"Yes it is a date, don't you feel it" Ashton said.

"No I don't feel it and this is not a date, do you get that Ashton" I said, shouting at him, he didn't say anything and looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"I want to talk to my mom" I said.

"Why?" Ashton asked still looking mad.

"I want to know how Jason is" I said.

"Oh I almost forgot about the great news" Ashton said looking really happy.

"I am not interested in your great news I just want to talk to my mom" I said looking angry.

"It is about Jason" he said and continued "Still don't want to hear it?" he said.

"What about Jason?" I asked.

"Well the great news is that Jason is in coma" he said. Coma! Oh no shit, please god please heal him please.

"You call that a great news" I said, shouting at him. How can he call this a great news, I got up and started walking towards the mansion, how can he be happy about it, I hate him I really hate him, I have to get out from here I need to see Jason, he is in that condition because of me.

As I was walking towards the mansion, Ashton grabbed my hand and turned me around harshly. "Where the hell are you going" he said, looking very angry.

"Away from you" I said.

"Away from me! Away from me!" He said angrily.

"Yes, I don't want to be with you, can't you see that?" I said.

"I don't care what you want and what you don't want, you will be with me here, forever" He said still angry.

"I'd rather die" I said. He didn't say anything and looked at me.

"You are going to regret that" He said and grabbed my hand roughly and forced me to walk with him.

"Leave me Ashton" I said, he ignored me.

"I said leave me" I shouted, still he didn't say anything. I started hitting his hand with my free hand, still no response; I looked everywhere to see something to hold on to. There was nothing, I stumble over something and fell down. He didn't notice and was still speed walking and was dragging me with him.

"Ashton please stop" I cried. He stopped for a second and pulled me up and again started speed walking, I was hurt and my knee was bleeding, he didn't care, I was in pain and crying, he didn't notice.

"Why are you doing this to me" I said while crying. He didn't reply he was really angry. We entered the mansion, he didn't stop. We went through the hall and entered another area which I was unaware of.

It was dark, there was hardly any light. Ashton slowed down a little and was walking normally but still his grip was tight on my hand. The area was getting darker and darker as we were walking. It was oddly cold and very scary.

"I want to share something with you" he said looking very serious. I didn't say anything and was crying.

"Reply me, tell me something" He shouted. I started crying harder. It was very dark and I hated the atmosphere. I could hardly breathe.

"Ok so you are not going to talk to me huh" he said.

"Please let me go" I said while crying.

"Sorry my love, that is not going to happen" he said. He then left my hand and walked away I could feel that he was not with me, suddenly there was light in the room. I adjusted my vision and saw him coming towards me.

"I am going to show you something" he said, and took keys out of his pocket; he unlocked the door and took my hand again. He open the door and we entered the room. 

It was very cold, I started to shiver.

"I want you to meet my sister Rebecca and my cat Lucy" he said, his sister is locked in this room!!

"You locked your sister in this room" I said looking shocked.

"I didn't lock her, come let's meet her" he said, and we went further in.

We stopped In front of a coffin. "Is your sister dead?" I asked looking at the coffin.

"Yes, she died in an accident two years back, before I saw you" he said and continued "She was very special to me, she was the only one who understood me was always there for me whenever I needed her"

"Is your sister there in this coffin?" I asked and was a little scared.

"Yes, I didn't want her to leave me, she was the only one I had" he said smiling. I was shocked and scared, in this coffin was a dead body. I didn't realize I was crying.

"Why are you crying" he asked.

"You are scaring me" I said.

"Don't be scared" he said.

"Why didn't you bury her" I asked.

"I didn't want her to leave me, like I don't want you to leave me"  

he said and continued "Come on let's meet Lucy."

"This is Lucy" he said pointing towards a box, it was transparent. There was ice in it and in the middle was the dead cat.

"That cat is dead" I said.

"Yes, I killed her" he said casually.

"What! Why?" I asked in disbelieve.

"She did a mistake, a terrible mistake" he said and continued "She was my cat and she is allowed to only be with me, one day I saw her playing with the neighbor's kid and I didn't like that, she belonged to me she was mine, how can she be with someone else, I hated her after seeing that but I couldn't let her go either, so I killed her and kept her with me".

"You are sick" I said.

"No one can have what is mine" he said harshly.

"You cannot own everything" I said angrily.

"Yes I can if I want to" he said and continued "I own you"

"No you don't" I said.

"Yes I do and if you even try to get away from me, you will also end up like Lucy" he said looking into my eyes.

"I don't care, it doesn't bother me, and as long as I am away from you I would prefer anything even dying" I said sternly.

He looked at me angrily and before I could say anything more he slapped me hard in my face, I fell and hit my head on the box, pain shot up in my head and everything was spinning around. I was not able to see anything last thing I heard was "Sharon" and saw Ashton's face and now all I could see was blackness and I fainted.

Hey guys I am done with the new chapter, I really hope you guys like it, please tell me if you want me to change anything in the story.


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PSYCHO KIDNAPPEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora