Chapter 32

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Hey guys here comes chapter 32.

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And I am really sorry for uploading after so long.

Anyways enjoy!!!!!!

But don’t forget to vote and comment.

Sharon’s POV

“I love you so much Jason” I said after giving him a tight hug.

“I love you too babe, you don’t know how happy I am to finally be with you” said Jason happily.

I felt safe and happy, he gently took my hand in his hand his touch felt so good and soothing I was longing for his touch and this comfort I wanted to stop my life right here and live in this moment forever I was carefree.

“My love what did I tell you about running away?” said a familiar I was too scared to turn and look at the person who was maybe standing behind me.

I looked at Jason, he looked angry and scared. With all the courage which I had in me I used it and slowly turned to see Ashton who was with a man whose face was covered in blood, he was barely conscious.

Two guards were holding the man, supporting him to stand; I looked over Ashton who looked happy and angry at the same time.

“Come to me my love” he said maliciously “Before I kill you father”.

My eyes automatically shifted to the person who was covered in blood, I looked carefully at him observing his features yes he was my dad!!!!!

“You monster, how could you!!!!!” I shouted at him.

“What????” he asked innocently.

“I’ll kill you Ashton” I shouted.

My outburst really made him angry, I could clearly see anger on his face, and he quickly pulled out his gun and shot my dad.

I quickly open my eyes, I could feel sweat on my forehead. It was just a dream/nightmare I said to myself.

“Thank god you are awake” said Martha who was sitting next to me.

“What happened?” I asked her.

“You lost a little too much blood” she said sadly.

“Blood??’’ I asked her, confused.

“You don’t remember anything?” she asked worriedly.

I focused all my energy in remembering what happened and everything came back and I looked at my wounded hand. I could still feel the pain.

Tears welled up in my eyes, I looked over Martha she looked sad too. As soon as she saw tears in my eyes she hugged me and comforted me, I cried in her arms to the point where I could finally get over the pain but it’s impossible to that in my position and state of mind.

So I let myself just cry and find peace.

“You look more attached to her than me” said Ashton with venom in his voice.

I broke the hug and looked at Ashton he looked angry but when he noticed I was crying he quickly calmed himself and looked worried, yea worried the one who cause me all this pain is worried for me.

“Why are you carrying my love, is it hurting?” he asked.

I nodded my head in yes manner.

“Oh my love, I am sorry” he said feeling bad for me.

“Sorry!! You bloody did this to me Ashton, it wasn’t an accident, you freaking cut my hand” I shouted.

He made his way towards the bed and sat opposite to me.

“I know my love I am sorry” he said and then gently took my wounded hand in his hand and slowly rubbed his hand on the wound.

A tear fell on my palm, is he crying??? I asked myself.

He then looked at me his eyes were filled with tears, he is really crying!!

“I know I don’t treat you right I always hurt you, but I love you more than you can ever imagine. When I first saw you I instantly fell in love with you, your innocence, your smile, the way you talk you walk and treat people attracted me more and more towards you. You don’t know how long I have waited for someone like that to come in my life and love me” he said so soothingly and politely I almost forgot who he was but suddenly his tone changed and he was back “but you don’t love me Sharon” he said and pressed my wounded hand.

I cried in pain but he ignored and continued “All you want is to run away, leave me and go back to that that….. Jason” he said venomously especially when he took Jason’s name.

He let go of my hand and stood up.

“Sometimes I feel you deserve this pain, yes you deserve this.” He shouted the last part.

I looked at him in disbelieve, how can anyone hurt the one they love and feel good about it. I may not know much about many things but about one thing I am 100% sure, he doesn’t love me.

I felt something warm on my shoulder; I looked over and saw Martha whose hand was placed on my shoulder ‘stay strong’ her expression said.

“You know Sharon, all my life I was alone, no one cared for me, but I thought you will love me, care for me” he said.

“You kidnapped me, threaten to kill my parents if I run away and almost every day you hurt me either physically or mentally and you expect me to care for you and love you” I said unsympathetically.

That certainly earned me a slapped.

“You will never learn will you?” he said harshly.

“You ruined me, you ruined my life, and you ruined everything Ashton and I can never love you I’ll always hate you no matter what you do to me” I said as harshly as I can.

“That’s it Sharon you don’t deserve anything, we are moving tomorrow” he said angrily.

He looked over Martha and said “Pack her stuff we will be moving this week”.

“I am not going anywhere” I shouted.

His eyes turned dark he looked very scary more than ever, “You don’t have any choice my love” he said in some strange tone I couldn’t figure out.

“I’ll go and make sure everything is ready by the end of the week” Ashton said and left

“Everything is over Martha” I said.

“No everything is not over” Martha said.

I looked at her in confusion “What?” I asked her.

“You’ll know soon but don't worry everything will be fine dear, you just have to be patient and behave when he is around then everything will work out perfectly.” Martha said confidently.

“What are you talking about?” I asked her still confused.

“You didn’t start packing her stuff??” Ashton questioned Martha looking irritated by her presence.

“Yes Sir, I’ll be right at it” she said and left me there confused and helpless.

 "So let's talk" Ashton said in serious tone.

Talk about what I thought to myself.

Hey everyone, I am finally done with chapter 32.

I hope you all like it and vote for it.

Thank you

Take care.

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