Chapter 42

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Hello everyone, how are you?

I am sorry I took long time to update next chapter I am still kind of unwell. But still I managed to write the chapter and update it today if there is any spelling or grammatical mistakes please forgive me for that. My English is not very good.

Anyways here comes chapter 42.

Please read it.

Also don’t forget to vote and comment.

Thank you




Sharon’s POV

I frantically started searching for something with which I could protect myself and fight back, I searched the room, I went through the drawers, and I couldn’t find anything. I searched the cupboard again there was nothing I could find, and then I looked under the bed and sighed with relief when I found a baseball bat under the bed.

I immediately pulled the bat out and tightly hold on to it.

“You will never have her” a familiar voice shouted I quickly recognized to whom that voice belonged, it was Jason.

“She is mine” said Ashton.

I swiftly made my way towards the door and slowly and carefully opened the door; I came out of the room still holding the baseball bat in my hand.

“Ahhhh” someone shouted and I jumped in fear I followed the screams and stopped breathing after catch sight of the scene that was happening right in front of me.

Jason was lying on the floor looking miserable and Ashton was standing above him and pointing gun right at him.

“I love seeing you like this” Ashton said satisfyingly.

“Me too” Jason said teasingly.

“She deserves someone so much better than you, someone like me” Ashton said proudly.

“I doubt that” Jason said and smirked.

Why the hell he is trying to get himself killed.

“You are making this hard for yourself” Ashton growled.

They haven’t noticed me yet I took the opportunity and slowly marched towards Ashton, I was trembling with fear, this is it either I can save both me and Jason or get us both killed.

Suddenly I heard a gunshot and stopped right on the spot I couldn’t see Jason but I could see the pool of blood forming.

Without thinking about anything I stormed towards Ashton and hit him hard on his head, he fell on floor right next to Jason. He looked at me in disbelief. Blood was pouring out of his head.

I hit him again and this time on his leg, I could hear his bone breaking, I liked the sound and hit him again in same place I could hear him cry in pain but I was not going to stop.

Again I hit him with the bat in stomach, his ribs broke, the bone cracking sound soothed me, and all the anger which I have bottled up inside me was unleashing on him. I felt good.

“W-what are y-you d-doing?” he managed coughing blood from his mouth.

“I am enjoying myself” I said wickedly and smiled.

PSYCHO KIDNAPPERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ