"Please answer your phone."

"I'll talk to you tonight." After that message, there isn't any more. I consider replying to him, but Foster and Sam return.

"Now we have enough," Sam frowns down to plastic cups. "You get to pay for these," He says to Foster.

"Gladly," Foster smirks, taking the cups from Sam's hands. He walks to the front of the store to the cash registers to purchase the items.

"Why did I agree to this?" Sam groans.

"I'm actually glad you did. You get to do something fun before you go to college," I nudge his arm.

"I do plenty of fun things already," he tries to counter.

"Like what?" I ask, already knowing he's going to answer with something boring.

"I go to the beach. And we always get food together." He nods.

"That's more like everyday stuff though. You need to do something like this to get you out of your comfort zone."

"Maybe I like it in my comfort zone." He folds his arms.

"Well too late now, because this party is happening. I already texted everyone and even posted an event on Facebook." I remind him.

"Yeah I know," He frowns. "Let's go across the street to find some snacks," He says walking ahead of me out of the isle.

We walk to the front of the store to meet with Foster. He's just finished purchasing the cups and was just putting the receipt in his back pocket.

"Where are we going now?" Foster asks picking up the bags.

"Across the street to the food mart. We can get pretzels and chips," I say as Sam opens the door for both of us.

We walk out to the parking lot to Sam's car. "What time did you tell people to show up?" Foster asks.

"Like around 8." I reply.

"Okay. I can maybe get my friends from Kentucky to come," he says taking out his phone.

"They're gonna come to North Carolina for a high school party?" Sam asks in disbelief.

"If I'm hosting it, they'll show up." He smiles to both of us as we come to Sam's car.

"Isn't that like a seven hour drive?" Sam asks.

"What time is it now?" Foster asks me.

I look to my phone and read the time in my lock screen. "Twelve."

"If they leave now, they'll get here at seven. They'll have an hour to chill." Foster says typing on his phone.

"You can't just expect them to leave like that." Sam says and Foster groans.

"Sam, I don't mean to brag here, but whenever I was in charge of a party, college students would show up. And I'm not talking about my brothers' friends. It's a pretty big deal." He says and that's enough to shut Sam up. "They'll be there." He says locking his phone and putting in his back pocket.

Sam unlocks his car and I open the passenger side. I sit inside and close the door, waiting for Foster and Sam to join. Foster places the bags on the seat next to him and climbs inside. Sam is the last one to walk around the car and get in. He starts up the engine and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Can you get drinks while I get some chips?" Sam asks me.

"Yeah, what kind?" I ask him as we enter the mart's parking lot.

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