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Song of the chapter: Into You by Ariana Grande.


Over a year ago.


"So you really like him?"

"Yes." Ava answered her sister for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Like, really like him?" Anna asked again.

"If you ask me that question one more time, I would-"

"Okay okay, geez. I get it." Anna laughed, raising her hands in surrender. "Thank God you like a guy. I was beginning to think you would become a nun or something." Her sister joked.

"Don't be silly. I've always liked guys." Ava rolled her eyes.

"Really. Well before this 'Taw-ki' guy, who have you liked before him?" Anna asked.

"First of all, it's 'Tow-ki', and I'm pretty sure I crushed on a few guys. Why are we talking about this anyway?" Ava quickly asked, knowing her sister was right. "Besides, school made me busy enough."

"Of course, whatever let's you sleep at night." Anna snickered. "So what's he like? All Nigerian and all."

"He's normal. Just has a different accent and says some words in his native language, Yoruba. He says he's used to it. Can't go a whole conversation without saying something Yoruba." She explained. "And he's pretty hot. And funny. And nice and just, I dunno, him."

"Aw. Someone is in love." Anna sang and Ava blushed.

"Shut it."

"So when can I meet him?" Anna asked curiously.

"When he's ready. Knowing you, you'll hound him with uncomfortable questions then tell him every embarrassing fact about me. I don't think I'm ready for that." Ava joked and Anna laughed.

"You know me too well. Don't make me wait too long sis."


"So, what did you think?" Toki asked Ava nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"It was... nice." She teased but he took her seriously.

He had made her a photo collage of all the things they had done together for the past three months to celebrate their, as she called it, 'three month-versary'. But he obviously wasn't good with glue and a scissors.

"I knew I should have just bought you something shay. Like that pretty necklace I saw in the mall the other day, or maybe a pair of shoes. I know how much you love  shoes. I should have probably got you tickets to that band you like, what do you call it, 5SOS? I think they're touring. Although it's not my type of scene, but as long as you're happy jare. I suck at using a pair of scissors, and the stupid glue kept on sticking on my fingers-"

She stopped listening to his rambling, just staring at the minor features on his face that were barely visible. Like the fact that his eyes were dark brown, it almost looked like black. And the way he scratched his jet black hair when he was nervous. He had really perfect eyelashes, the kind that any girl would beg for. His plump lips moved effortlessly, rambling about how his gift sucked, and she knew the most effective way to shut him up.

She stood on her tip toes and kissed him full on the lips, startling him, and after a second, he wrapped his arms, kissing her back with everything.

"You, Miss. Brown, have become very bold with your actions." He teased when they pulled away, and she blushed, slapping his arm playfully.

"I loved it. It was so adorable. And the fact that you made it yourself even though you totally suck at arts, that's what made my heart melt. It's the thought that counts Toki." She smiled genuinely at him.

Black or White ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें