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Song of the chapter: Classic by MKTO.


"I would have never guessed that Ada is your sister. You guys are so different." Ava commented as they tried on their bridesmaid dresses for the white wedding.

"Half sister actually." Anu pointed out, examining the blue and white dress that Ava was wearing.

"Oh. No wonder. She was very mean when she came to the house." Ava replied, looking at herself in the mirror. The other girls were trying on other dresses.

Anu made them all try different dresses so she could choose the one she liked best afterwards.

"What house?" Anu asked suddenly, looking at Ava with confusion.

"Um... Toki's parents house. You didn't know? She came and told me stuff about how Toki and her are meant to be and everything." Ava said carefully, trying to avoid an argument.

"Huh." Anu rolled her eyes. "Her and Toki never even dated."

"That's not what she said." Ava mumbled.

"Well they never did. It was a one time thing, Toki was drunk and started spouting rubbish about being in love with her and being with her forever. She still hangs on to his words even if he has explained to her numerous times that it was a misunderstanding." Anu explained.

"Well did they... you know?"

"Yeah. But he was drunk, and the next day he really didn't remember much. Who knows, she might even be lying about it all sef." Anu spat out bitterly and Ava looked at her.

"The way you talk about her..."

"I know, I know. She's my sister. But sometimes, people do so much bad stuff, that no matter how much you love them, you can't support them on that. She has slept with my ex-boyfriend before." Ava's mouth hung open. "Not that I blame him or anything. Compared to her, I'm a plain wall. Plus, I refused to sleep with him."

"Well some men are dicks. And you're beautiful." Ava smiled.

"Yeah I know. But some people are more beautiful than others. But don't worry about her, Toki is in love with you. Just remember that you're the one with his ring on your finger." Anu grinned and Ava blushed. "Besides, she's not the one you should be worried about."

Ava was about to ask what she meant, but the other girls came out, wearing the other dresses, and Anu started gushing over all of them.

"Everyone looks perfect. How am I supposed to choose one?" Anu asked, suddenly forgetting about their conversation.

Ava made a mental note to ask her later, but for now, she had some wedding planning to do.

"Why don't we just wear different ones?" Faith asked.

"But I want everyone to match." Anu whined.

"Well, I think you should go with Ada's dress. It's very elegant." Sade, her wedding planner suggested.

"Ada is the maid of honour. She's supposed to wear a different dress." Ava pointed out.

"Good point." Anu said. "So I'll just pick my second best. Hmm." She placed a hand on her chin, looking at all of them, while they all watched her expectantly. "I''ll go with Mimi's dress. I like the low back thing."

"Settled then. Why don't you start taking a look at the wedding dresses I selected for you while the girls try the dresses?" Sade asked and Anu nodded, going into another room.

"Why is she here?" Sade asked Ada rather loudly.

"I don't know. My sister likes her." Ada shrugged, looking at Ava distastefully.

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