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"Corbyn Besson"
"Daniel Seavey"
"Nicole Johnson"
"Jonah Marais"
"Zach Herron"
"Jack Avery"

That's how every class started. Attendance.

Hi I'm Nicole Johnson and I am a Junior in High School. Yes I do go to school with Why Don't We and no I do not like them.

Me and all the boys are in every single class together. It is awful. The worse part is my crush Zack with a K not to be mixed up with Zach from Why Don't We is also in the classes.

I can tell they know that I like him. It's awful because they are always making jokes about it. Like this one time we were in class and he was late.

When he came in Daniel whispered to me "looks like your boys a little late" I just rolled my eyes

See they bother me so much I can't stand it. They also share the locker above mine. It is so messy that things are always falling and hitting me on my head.

The only perks are they leave early sometimes to practice. When that happens it's like my whole day is so much better. But of course they always come back.

I can't wait for them to go on tour so I don't have to deal with them any longer. It better not be a summer tour.

Authors Note
Hey guys I know this chapter is a mess but I just needed to add introductions to this so I can start it. With no background how can I make a good story. Also please go read my other story's Touring With Why Don't We and The Internship. Also this is a newer version of Flirting with Why Don't We I just didn't like how that one was coming out so I needed to change it. Anyways I promise this story will get better- Julia

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