Time To Go Back

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The bell rang and lunch was over.  More work to be done.  Every where I looked was hostile eyes and faces down.  The new boss I did not like or trust.  There was something about him that I could not put my finger on.  He made me uneasy.  He talked to much about death.

There was so much silent like everyone had lost their voice.  Like no one knew what to say or whether they should talk to anyone.  I told one of the girl's that was talking about Damon to watch what she said.  That she did not know him and did not know ABBA.  She glared at me and told me it was none of my business.  I said yes it is my business and if you do not stop I will get you for slander.

They have enough problems without someone spreading rumors and lies about them and do not even know what they are talking about.  Then I slapped her hard and left the print of my hand on her face.  She was in shock.

I told her if you think they are dangerous try me on for size.  I can be your best friend or your worse enemy.  It is your choice.  Try me and I will tear your head off.  I could feel her embarrassment as she tried to speak.  "I held my hand up and said I don't want to hear anything out of your mouth."  I turned and walked away.

I was seeing red.  How dare she talk about them like that.  No one is perfect and we all make mistakes.  But that does not mean we are bad or dangerous.  I just could not believe it.

This had something to do with ancestors'  but what I do not know.  I know for a fact something was stolen.  People were angry about it and wanted it back.  I felt out of it.  Like I did not belong here any longer.  


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