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My voice was steady and I can use my powers.  I can collect from minds and I will.  If Damon finds out he will be angry but I have to do something.  I can't just do nothing but sit around and block everything out.  I am not a flower I will not just wilt.  

I knew he was asleep or I thought he was.  His brother just might influence him to come out of the house.  Or to let him in.  I was tired and yet could not sleep.  Now Damon is awake and can't sleep.  It is going to be a long night.  If the gift had just came earlier.  My tears was falling on the lawn.  

I wanted to see his face, but he pressed my face into his shoulder.  He wanted me to tell him my fears.  But I couldn't.  I did not know myself.  I wanted to tell him but when I tried my throat felt like it was burned.  Words would not come!  I told him I was worried about him.  That he was gone and I did not know where.  Or if he was coming back.

I told him I should have told him!  But I couldn't.  He understood. He knew how much I wanted to tell him.  Now things are even better since we got it all out.

I knew I could never tell him about the crows he would worry about me to much.  Lies are so easy and hard to end.  He said he had something to show me later on.  

So I went to take a bath.  I put oil in the water and got in.  I already had my clothes out.  A red dress and black shoes with my curly hair down.  He left while I was taking my bath and called to me to lock the door and he would see me later!

  He left while I was taking my bath and called to me to lock the door and he would see me later!

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