ABBA Knows

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ABBA knows he should not do this but it seems as though he has no choice.  He just hate's the idea.  But it has to be done.  They had walked for hours in grass and he was tired.  The leaves were small and crushed under your feet.  The plants were standing tall in the green velvet grass.  There were petals on the ground and blossoms.  But they were so light so you could barely see them.

But they could be used to make things.  As he looked at me and waited for my answer.  All I could think of was that no one was safe in the house.  I unlocked the door but I felt something crawl on me.  I felt nervous and scared.  The branches were scaring my body and there was nothing in the air.

I looked out into the night and I saw eyes and things falling from the sky.  It was just another day and I was in the middle of everything.  I felt something hit me in the back and the impact sent me flying across the room.  I was crushed and my body was sore and bloody.

There was a car in the driveway but I could not see who.  They were emerging from the car.  But I felt evil as soon as they were out.  All I could tell was who ever it was is pale and there is blood on them.  The eyes looked tired.

I sat and waited and ate my breakfast.  Just waiting for something but I did not know what.  The doorway was hidden by vines that were growing inside the house.  They were like traps and wrapped around the walls as well.  I heard a voice in my head and it sure sounded like the devil.  Wow I am losing it!  I am thinking of the devil!  How could I?

Someone somewhere has power over my mind and body.  I can feel it pulling me into the darkness and I think I like it.  I don't feel bad about it.  In fact I feel better then I have for a long time.  Who was trying to influence me?

  Who was trying to influence me?

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