Another Meeting

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We are having another meeting and Angel goes with me.  But as I came to her she turned away.  Then she turned around as she teased me.  The clip at her waist I tried to catch but I only touched the chain at her waist.  She looked back and all she saw was the setting on one of the gems.  It had cut him.

The color of her dress was the same as the blood on his hand.  His lips were curled in a smile as his eyes flashed.  The finger was held up.  His eyes said I wouldn't.

But I would and he knew it!  As I caught his hand I teased him.  Then I kissed it!  After looking at him I let go.  I said I love dancing would you join me?  I spoke with my eyes and heart.  Such a thrilling sensation.  I waited to see if he would follow me.

He followed me like a graceful beast and his hand was so warm.  Then they caught mine.  It faded in and out as the music played.  ABBA had his hand on my waist.  I felt his fingers so warm.  I began dancing as I lifted my skirts.

My body was on fire and flames were burning my soul.  I felt like I was flying through the air.  In the empty room we danced around and around.  In perfect time with each other.

His dark eyes were glittering,  as he laughed with me.  I was ready for anything and I was poised and knew I was beautiful.  I was having so much fun.  Then his smile faded and he slowed the dance.  In the circle of his arms I did not move.  His eyes were no longer amused.  They were fierce and heated.  I was not afraid as I looked at him.  But this felt like a nightmare.  I felt dizzy and weak.

Around me everything was blurred and I could only see his eyes.  But I felt sleepy.  My head fell back and my eyes closed.  On my lips,  and my throat and the skin on my neck he was kissing.  I could feel his gaze upon me,  as I smiled.

To keep me from falling,  he was supporting me.  He was burning me hot with his lips.  My mean ABBA.  I felt the sting with the jabs of the needle.  I relaxed with the pleasure of my blood being drawn out.  

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