A New Day

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Today is just another day to hunt and be aware at all times.  I will have to control myself and be careful.  Many will be with me and fight with me.  Other's will walk away.  Some will come from the Government and maybe the FBI.  So many want us dead and will do anything to make it happen.  I will use my powers and my weapons.  

To stay strong and not lose hope.  Try and protect as many as I can.  It wont be easy but I won't give up.  Just to think of Angel will keep me going.  I miss her so much and want to go home with her.  The bunker is where I will be staying until this is over.  There will be werewolves with us and some against us.  I will have dreams and visions.

As I stand and look at the clouds they remind me of marsh mellows.  The sun is hiding behind rugged mountains.  There is a forest close by and the river runs wild.  The ground is wet as my foot slides.  The weather is warm but not to much.  

We are all standing by just talking and watching.  A plane came down like an eagle after it's prey.  Before we could move it was shooting at us.  As we started to run shattered screams were heard.  We felt defeat and was scared.  But we all knew what we had to do.  The ones left standing started shooting at the plane and we hit it.  It came down like a thunder cloud it was so loud.

Fire was seen and flames were dancing.  We could not see the damage we had caused because it was to far off.  We started moving to see what we could find.  But a loud noise stopped us.  As we turned around there were wolves all around us.  I lost my cool and let out a big growl.  I went in for the kill and my prey just stood there.  He looked like he saw a ghost.  I chopped his head off and watched it roll.  While the others were fighting the other wolves.

  While the others were fighting the other wolves

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