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"do, like, do we really have to keep, you know, 'us' quiet?" mikey asks pete the next wednesday, while they walked to mikey's locker. "like, look at them. they're fine," he continues, pointing to gerard who was attempting to hold frank's hand, but failing seeing as frank was hissing at him and pushing him away. it was still cute. kind of.

"i wish we could, but you know what gee said, mikey. it's like, my job to be the, like, hetero fuckboy of the hockey team, and without that we could lose a lot of support," pete replies, and mikey rolled his eyes.

"yeah but, like, i don't know," mikey sighs, opening his locker, and getting out his geometry textbook.

"you don't know what?"

"i just don't know, pete," mikey snaps, "leave it at that. i'll see you at training, i forgot to hand in your jerseys."

"okay, bye mikey," pete replies sadly, expression that of a kicked puppy.

"hey, pete, please. it's okay. i'll see you later, alright?" mikey asks, and pete smiles, gently brushing his fingertips over mikey's hip possessively.

"okay, see you later, then," pete said, and mikey smiles at him, before turning, and walking to class.

pete sighed, watching him walk away, and as he turned, he noticed gerard staring at him from across the hall. "come on, let's go," he said, and pete nodded, reluctantly walking in the opposite direction that he wanted to go in.

later, mikey met up with his new friends dallon and patrick, and together they began to study french, in mikey's bedroom. 

"so, how are things going with your sexlife?" patrick asked dallon, who grinned.

"oh, shut the fuck up," he laughed, and mikey and patrick did too, because dallon was asexual- it was just kinda funny to make jokes about his "love live," when he would never have one.

"je suis tellement malade de ça," mikey said, yawning, and patrick nodded, shutting his textbook.

"d'accord," he said, and dallon rolled his eyes.

"we don't have to speak french at every chance we get, perdants," dallon giggled, and mikey grinned at him, standing.

"you guys hungry?" mikey asked, and he laughed when the too replied "oui," in sync. "come on, then," he gestured them to follow him downstairs, into the kitchen. "gee, you home?" he called, and he got a "fuck you!" in reply, so yes, and then "i'm here too!" and "and me!" and jesus, gerard had friends over without asking, again. 

"whatever," mikey rolled his eyes, "i'll just order two pizzas, okay?" he asked the two, who nodded to him. 

while he called the pizza place about twenty minutes away- they were planning on picking it up, in fear of gerard stealing their munchies while he answered the door- gerard and his friends decided to pause their game of halo to see what mikey was doing with his friends. 

so, gerard, pete and joe walk into the room- and patrick blushes at the sight of joe, and dallon raises his eyebrows at the tiny boy. "qu'elle?" he asks, not wanting them to listen in, so naturally they just speak in another language. 

"what did you just say?" joe asked, wonder in his eyes, and dallon rolled his eys at him, turning back to patrick, who's blush burned brighter.

"je l'aime," patrick replied to him, and the boys were impressed at how dallon nodded.

"qui?" he asked, and patrick giggled.

"joe," he said, and dallon sighed, ruffling his hair.

"what?" joe asked, and the two younger boys, (although dallon was taller than all of them,) let out giggles.

"so- um- where's mikey?" pete asked, kinda nervous that they didn't speak english, but patrick smiled at him.

"he just went to the bathroom where he could order the pizza in quiet," patrick explains, and pete nods.

"somebody should go check on him, he's taking forever," dallon groaned, leaning against the counter, and pete grinned.

"i'll do it," he said, ignoring gerard's eye roll. "be back with the tall one in a sec'."

"you're getting pizza?" he heard joe ask someone behind him, but he ignored it, going straight into the bathroom where mikey was-

mikey was fixing his fucking hair?

"mikey," pete whispered, and mikey jumped, his glasses nearly falling off of his face. 

"jesus, pete, you scared me," mikey giggled, and pete pushed the door shut behind him so he could move in to kiss mikey eagerly. "pete- friends- other room- brother," that's when pete stopped, the reminder of the ever-lurking gerard, and pete pouted at mikey.

"i like, never saw you today, after first," pete mumbled, and mikey shrugged.

"i just got busy, i guess," mikey replied, pulling pete into a hug. pete's arms snaked around his waist, and mikey smiled, pressing a kiss to his temple. 

"what're you doing in there, fucking?" dallon asked from outside the door, "i gotta pee."

"shut up, dal," mikey laughed, pushing pete off of him and sweeping his hair back into a fringe. "he was helping me with my luscious locks." he flipped his fringe, and dallon chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"whatever, guys, just get out," he said, and the two stumbled out, and walked back into the kitchen together. 

"hey, so, we gotta go pick up our pizzas," mikey said to patrick who nodded, and yelled a "hurry up!" to dallon. he waddled back out of the bathroom a minute later, and that's when gerard spoke up- 

"i mean, we could all go, my cars big," he suggested, but mikey rolled his eyes. 

"you're not taking us to the pizza place, gerard," he said but he couldn't resist gerard's puppy-eyes, and so they found themselves sat in gerard's bigger car. 

"hey, where's frank today?" pete asked, sitting in-between mikey and dallon, who was looking slightly confused at how pete had constantly wanted to be near mikey. he theoried a crush- but pete wentz was straight, maybe they were just closer friends than he thought? 

anyway- gerard's fingers clenched tightly around the steering wheel at the mention of the small italian boy's name, his eyes narrowed. "i don't care," he grumbled, and mikey raised his eyebrows. "i fucking care a lot about him, and what do i get in return? fucking ignorance and an asshole of an exchange student who complains too much," he rants, and everyone is kind of confused about where this outburst has come from- "and- god, guys, he just told me he's in a, like, a relationship with bob bryar- bob bryar! can you believe that guy." 

"what a dick," mikey agreed, watching dallon look out the window, because pete's hand was inching off of his own thigh and onto mikey's. 

"agreed," patrick nodded, and gerard nodded to him in the rear-view mirror, making patrick smile. and then pete's hand slid onto mikey's inner thigh in one quick, fluid movement, and nobody seemed to notice- was pete a fucking ninja? but mikey pushed his hand away because pete began to rub circles with his thumb, and mikey didn't want an- awkward situation. 

"let's just, go get the pizza- okay?" gerard asked, sighing, and everybody couldn't help but feel bad for him.


k so this was kinDA a filler but the next chapter has drama??? so love me thanks

also we're almost at 1k,,,, thank u all so muchchch

hockey jerseys ; m.p ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang