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in celebration of instagram hitting 10k im gonna triple update this book lmao

all updates r in the same day uwu

also hi petekey hAPPENS

and like?? drama begins the next chapter?????? ahahahahH


"but you can't be leaving!" mikey cries, hugging ryan tightly.

"its only a town over, mikes, and i'll still see you all the time," ryan giggles, hugging his friend back twice as tight.

"i know but, its like, rude," mikey scowls, pulling away from their embrace.

"well, i think the best part is that i can try out for the hockey team," ryan beams at him, and mikey smiles back.

ryan hadn't been allowed to try out for this schools hockey team, because the team itself didn't like him.

"i'm gonna miss you, so so so much," mikey pouts, and ryan hugs his tall friend again.

"i'm gonna miss you too, you giraffe," ryan mumbles into his shoulder, before pulling away, and the two smile at each other. "i'll call you tonight, 'kay?"

"okie dokie," mikey says, watching as ryan leaves to get on his bus.

the tall boys sighs, putting his earphones in and his hands into his pockets, and he trudges home.

later that afternoon, a knock at the way's front door signals a visitor, and mikey's the first one to get there, poking his tongue out at gerard, before opening the door, a goofy grin on his face.

"hi- pete?" mikey asks, shocked to see the slightly smaller boy on his porch.

"hi," pete smiles shyly, and mikey tilts his head.

"did gee invite you over?"

"um- no, i just.. you're really bad at science, and it was annoying me all day, like i couldn't stop thinking about you- it!- and i dunno, decided to come over to talk to you about some stuff," pete smiles, and mikey scoffs at him playfully, leaning in the doorframe.

"me? bad at science? never," he says, and pete chuckles, butterflies erupting in mikey's stomach.

"are you doing something? or should i go?"

"no, come in, you can.. tutor? me in my room," mikey says, leading pete upstairs, away from gerard's eyes and snarky comments.

"okie dokie, well, let's get started," pete says, opening his and mikey's textbooks, beginning to explain about what mikey had explained what slightly off and if he wanted a better grade, he could try 'using the word therefore, maybe?' it didn't even really seem like-

"pete, do you know what you're talking about?"

pete flushes, a nervous smile causing his lips to tilt upwards.

"of course i do," he mumbles, flipping a few pages forward in his textbook.

"right," mikey giggles, shutting his own textbook, flinging it over to his desk. "i really doubt that."

pete groans, flopping backwards onto mikey's bed. "i mean, i thought it was easier than the shit in this stupid book," he whines, and mikey laughs, putting pete's book next to his own.

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