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this is honestly a mess i'm sorry ahahha


"right- so," pete says, chuckling nervously as he drives, mikey at his side. "i have no idea where we're going."

"what do you mean?" mikey asks, laughing, and pete rested his hand on the taller boys thigh.

"listen, i did my best trying to sneak us around, i didn't really think about where i'm taking you," pete says quietly, and mikey laughs, rolling his eyes at pete.

"you're such a dork, oh god," mikey mumbles, leaning his head on the window.

"you look nice, though," pete comments, grinning at mikey, who rolls his eyes.

"i'm literally wearing what i wear every day," and he was- only the 'nicer' version. ripped jeans, anthrax t-shirt, beanie, glasses.

"and? you still look amazing."

"okay, stop the car," mikey says, and pete pulls into a park on the side of the road, and does as mikey says. and then mikey gets out and pete is confused because? what is he doing?

"where are you going?" 

"driving around for an hour in your car is not a date, pete wentz, let's go do something fun," mikey says, and pete nods slowly, getting out. 

"okay, well, what're you thinking fun is?" 

"we could go jump the fence to the cemetery, that's always fun," mikey giggles, taking pete's hand in his own while they walk along the sidewalk in near pitch-black. 

"what? what if we get caught?" pete asks nervously, and mikey continues to giggle at him. 

"chill out, babe, gee 'n i used to do it all the time, until he got 'too cool' to hang out with me," mikey replies casually, pressing a kiss to pete's forehead. 

"but like- what if we do get caught? i don't wanna lose my schol-"

"pete," mikey says, stopping them, and wrapping his arms around pete's neck, giggling. "you need to relax, okay? everything's gonna be fine." 

"are you sure?"


"okay," pete says, pulling mikey in by the waist, and kissing him briefly. "take me to your fence then."  and so mikey did- take him to the fence. and as it just so happens, this fence has grown since the last time mikey was here, and now it stands as a high brick wall. 

"at least there's no barbed wire at the top," mikey grinned at pete, who shook his head.

"listen, mikes, i can't climb- like anything, let alone a fucking wall."

"oh, don't be a scaredy cat," mikey giggled, his little fangs being shown. pete smiles and rolls his eyes, but keeps shaking his head no, anyway. "use your big muscles to climb it," he continues, poking pete's arm, and pete rolls his eyes. 

"mikey, c'mon, can't we just go get ice-cream?" 

"you go get the ice-cream, i'll climb the wall," mikeys says, pulling himself up onto the bricks. 

"no, mikes- what if you fall?" pete asks, worry laced through his tone, and mikey pokes his tongue out at pete, continuing to climb it.

"i won't, promise!" mikey calls, as he reaches the top, turning to sit and look down at pete. "see? it's fine, babe."

"babe," pete grins, "i won't be able to climb up there. it's funny," he continues, sitting at the base of the wall, staring up at mikey, "i'm good at stuff that- sorry- but kinda useful, like grades and sports. and you're good at lighting fires and climbing walls."

"and hitting bugs with fly swats!" mikey calls down, laughing. 

"right, yeah, we can't forget the swats," pete laughs along with him. "rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair!" he calls to his boyfriend, and mikey laughs, rolling his eyes at him.

"you're gonna have to climb up yourself, sorry," mikey laughs, and pete grins at him. 

 "maybe you could just come down here?"

"how romantic, romeo." 

"some people aren't part spider-monkey, juliet."

"that's disappointing to hear," mikey laughs, before beginning to climb down the wall.

"please be careful!" pete calls, and then there's an unknown voice and pete is panicking and mikey is laughing.

"what're you kids doing!?" 

and then mikey is grabbing pete's hand and they're sprinting as fast as they can, and then pete's smiling because this is actually really fun and mikey's laugh is so cute, and then mikey's pulling them into a dark alley, and he's covering pete's mouth with his hand, and his own with his other one, peeking around the corner to make sure they weren't followed, before sitting on the ground and laughing as hard as he could.

"did you see that guy's face while he ran?" he wheezed to pete, who laughed along with him, "fuckin' gold." 

"that was actually kinda fun," pete said, and mikey wiggled his eyebrows. 

"told ya' so," he says, and pete pulls him up onto his feet, and kisses him deeply. mikey slides his hands up pete's back, before gently playing with his hair, and pete sighs into his mouth, making him giggle. 

"who knew you were such a daredevil?"

"that reminds me, i gotta wash your jerseys. i forgot to take 'em home the other day," mikey replies, and the two begin their hand-in-hand walk back to pete's car. "are we getting ice-cream?"

"do you want ice-cream?"

"fuck yeah i do."

"then we'll get ice-cream." 

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