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this chapter is so bad keep in mind these were written by 2am christopher


"jesus- gerard!"

gerard gapes at his friend and his brother, before stomping over, ripping mikey off of pete's lap by the scruff of his neck, and colliding his fist with pete's nose.

mikey whimpers from the floor, rubbing his head and neck simultaneously, and pete groans when gerard grabs him by the throat and lifts him to eye level.

"when you said you had a crush on a guy, i didn't think you meant my little brother," he growls, his protective side kicking in, and he squeezes pete's throat once.

"dude, i, fuck, can't breath-" pete wheezes, and gerard releases him, running a hand roughly through his hair in stress. pete flushes under his angry gaze, his nose dripping blood onto his shirt. "i think you broke my nose," he groans, trying to lighten the mood.

gerard smirks, shaking out his knuckles. but then mikey stands up, rushing over to pete to check if his nose really is broken, and gerard scowls at the pair.

"i don't like this," he says, his eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched.

mikey blushes, his ears turning pink, as he turns to face his, (somewhat terrifying,) brother. where was the italian kid when you needed him?

"well, that's not exactly your desicion," mikey mumbles, standing between gerard and his.. his what? pete's mikey's nothing, not right now. the thought makes him frown, and gerard sighs.

"mikes, he has a girlfriend."

"who i'm going to break up with," pete comments, and gerard rolls his eyes.

"really? are you sure? you'd break up with your smoking hot, loving, sweetheart, genius of a girlfriend, to date my brother? you do realize that walking around in the halls holding his hand will be hard, like very, very hard? you understand that you both are going to be treated horribly, that the hockey team will probably get less support?" gerard asks, pain in his eyes, and pete frowns.

"but you're gay, and you never get any hate for it," he says, and gerard scowls at him again.

"you never see it. you never saw the shit written on my lockers or on the bathroom walls, you never heard the comments. it's gotten better recently because people have realized that it's my thing- being gay and wearing tight jeans and all black. you're a hot jock, pete. you'll practically be throwing that away. and if you hurt my little brother," gerard glances at mikey, who's staring at his feet. "i won't hesitate to end you."

"i know but-"

"gee, chill. it was just a kiss. plus, he was supposed to only be here because i suck at science," mikey says, his eyes glazing over. he hadn't realized that pete would get hurt because of him. "pete, maybe you should go?"

"what?" he asks, standing. "mikey, what-"

"just, go," mikey says turning to face pete,  using the tips of his fingers to wipe away the moisture building in his eyes. "and you need to get out too, gee."


"just get the heck out!" mikey shoves pete into gerard, the both of them stumbling backwards, out of mikey's room, and the tall boy slams the door, locking it behind them.

it was all just too much of a cliché, they'd only kissed twice and pete was already having to chose between his hockey and mikey. it wasn't fair, and it was too much. it'd be better if pete just stayed with meagan, and mikey stayed alone.

mikey cuddles up to one of his pillows and sighs, it's still too early to be tired and yet he falls asleep anyway.

meanwhile, pete shoves gerard into a wall, frowning. "what the fuck, man?"

"dude, that's my little brother," gerard says, shoving him back. the two walk downstairs together, their hands shoved into their pockets and frowns on their faces.

"so? i like him, a lot," pete says, flicking his hair out of his eyes.

"but you won't like the bullying and the teasing, i know you, pete, you won't handle it," gerard grumbles, the two of them angrily sitting on the couch.

"i think i could handle it for him," pete says, and gerard scoffs.

"you almost couldn't handle it the time everyone called you gay as a joke pete," gerard says, his voice evening, "what happens when it's not a joke?" he asks, and pete frowns.

what would happen? would he do something stupid, something to get himself kicked off the hockey team? that couldn't happen. a hockey scholarship was his ticket to college.

pete shrugs, and a familiar apple ringtone erupts from gerard's pocket. "one sec," gerard sighs, pulling out his phone and pressing answer without checking. "hello? frankie! hi!.. yeah, pete and i can come pick you up," gerard sends pete a look, and pete rolls his eyes.

"i'd prefer to stay here," he mumbles, and gerard kicks his ankle. pete lets out a yelp, pulling his foot up to cradle it. gerard smirks, going back to asking frank the address he's at.

"wait- you're, um, you're at bob's?.. no, it's whatever. see you soon," gerard says, and frank hangs up. gerard frowns, and pete raises his eyebrows at him.

"what's up?"

"oh nothing, other than the fact that bob is the only other gay boy at our school in our year apart from me and frank, and frank was just 'hanging out' with him," gerard seethes, anger seeping from his pores.

"well, at least you know he's gay," pete grins at gerard, who kicks him again.

"shut up and put your shoes on," he says, and pete shakes his head.

"my shoes are in mikey's room," pete says, and gerard groans.

"you're going barefoot then - i don't wanna have to deal with a heartbroken mikey. a hungry mikey is bad enough," he says, and the front door opens, the way's mother waddling in, with a parcel of groceries.

"hiya, boys!" she greets them chirpily, but her smile drops when she notices their grim expressions.

"you'd better hope you have ice-cream and chocolate in there, for mikes," gerard says, the two boy's standing and walking past him.

"what? is he like, on a man period? do men get those? why haven't you got one?"

"god, no, mum! he's heartbroken," gerard scowls at pete, who shrugs.

"he doesn't have to be," pete says, leaving the way mother bewildered.


"nothing, mum. we've gotta go pick up frank, we'll be back soon. probably without pete."

"oh no, i left my backpack and my shoes here," pete says, and gerard scowls.

"whatever. it'll be an in-and-out mission then, let's go," gerard replies, and the two tumble out the door, leaving gerard's mom standing in the foyer, completely confused.

"mikey?" she calls, and she gets a loud groan in reply. "d'you wanna come down here and watch movies and eat ice-cream? i got cookies and cream!" she calls, knowing mikey won't say no. he loves netflix and ice-cream movie nights.

not ten seconds later, mikey waddles downstairs, wrapped tightly in his duvet, his eyes swollen and bloodshot.

"c'mon then, rom-com?"

"the notebook," mikey mumbles sadly, falling onto the couch with a thump, and his mum ruffles his hair, putting the groceries away, returning with ice-cream and two spoons.

"do you wanna talk about it?"

"i don't like being gay, mum," he says as the movie starts, snuggling into her shoulder. "i want to be a girl."

"wait, you're transgend-"

"no! no, mum, i just think it'd be easier if i was a girl. then i could have any boy i wanted and it wouldn't be weird to society."

"society's a bitch, baby," she murmurs, leaning her head on top of his, and they fall into a comfortable silence, watching the movie.

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