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Yuri's hands shook uncontrollably as she looked down at Randy while holding the smoking gun. This wasn't her first time pulling the trigger, but the victim behind the bullet is what had her stuck.

Yuri looked around panic-stricken as reality hit her like a ton of bricks. She was no longer living in the hood. In fact, Yuri stayed in a building filled with doctor's, lawyers, and people of power. Sure enough, someone had called the police by now after hearing that shot.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She cursed, kicking Randy's leg in the process. "You stupid muthafucka! Look what you made me do!" She cried out while simultaneously pulling out her phone to call Shyara.

When Shy didn't pick up, Yuri decided on the next best thing and dialed up Emory.

"Dammit!" She spat when neither of the girls answered. Sighing heavily, Yuri bent down and checked Randy's pulse. It was faint, but there.

Pushing her hair out of her face Yuri decided to call the police. She made up a bogus story about her boyfriend getting into an argument with some guy and he shot him. If Randy knew what was best for him, he'd go with that story.
Emory stood in front of Goon with her hand on her hip and head cocked to the side. She was pissed that he was standing in front of her acting all nonchalant when she had clearly just asked him a question.

"So now you're a deaf mute?" Em asked with attitude lacing her tone. Her grand opening was a success, but she still had a bone to pick with Goon. "Hello?" She waved a hand in Goon's face.

Goon obviously had Em confused with some other bitch. During her grand opening he shot her a text saying he had moves to make so he'd check her later. What pissed Em off even more was that she watched him leave with his baby mother, but he was still denying it.

"I told your ass what was up, look where we are," he motioned around with his hands. "I had to get some shit off, bills don't pay themselves." Goon stated, shrugging.

He had Em meet him at one of his trap spots that was conveniently located around the corner from his baby mother's house. This nigga thought he was so slick.

"You know what," Em chuckled angrily.  "You got some fucking nerve! What was your purpose of even getting me the space for the salon if you were just gonna shit on me on the most important night?"

Goon rubbed his hand across his braids and sighed, Em was really killing his vibe. First, Alisha, had him fucked up, and now Emory wanted to pop up to the spot showing her ass, He just couldn't win.

"Let me know something! I'm not understanding how you feel like you can check me about what I do, yet you're still sniffing behind this bitch like a lost puppy. What's up?" Em fussed, eyeing Goon.

"You done?" Goon asked, completely dismissing everything Em was saying. They were standing in the middle of a trap house, and even though the few workers he had in there were acting like they were busy, Goon knew they were listening.

"Am I done, really Goon? So now we're being cute? That's cool, cause it ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun! I'm telling you now, either tell me what's up, or leave me the fuck alone! You think I like going in circles with your ass, cause I don't!"

"Em you're acting like we're in a relationship right now," Goon argued, fed up with her line of questioning. Truthfully, he was still tripping on Alisha, but Em was adding fuel to a burning fire. "You're not my woman. The fact that you're standing here questioning me like I owe you an explanation is ridiculous. Do you! That's what you do anyway. Don't act like you ain't throwing pussy at the highest bidder, but you're trying to check me. Fuck outta here! So again, are you done?"

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