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Serenity's leg bounced at a rapid pace as she continuously rubbed her sweaty palms down the front of her jeans. Anxiety had her in a chokehold.

"Relax." Jay voiced, softly gripping Serenity's leg.

Serenity smiled small, placing her hand on top of his. "Sorry, you know how I get." She replied, checking the time on her phone for what had to be the tenth time in the last three minutes.

"Serenity," Jay called out in a warning tone.

"Okay." Serenity pouted, falling back in her seat. "Did you send the right address? She should have been here by now."

Things between Serenity and Shyara had been weird lately. It wasn't Shy's fault. Serenity felt like a disappointment in her big sister's eyes and she hated that feeling. It was hard for her to even look at Shy without breaking down.

This was never supposed to be Serenity's life, a baby, she was barely taking care of herself.

"Shy will be here," Jay spoke softly. He didn't want Serenity stressing. Over the course of six months she's had two scares where she spotted a little. "I sent the information and she said she'd show."

Serenity nodded. "Sorry, I'm just really nervous. What's this procedure called again? I want to look it up."

"Ren," Jay eyed her skeptically.

"What? I need something to keep my mind occupied. I just want to look it up and read over a few things." Serenity whined. It was her idea to have this procedure done, now that the time ws here, Serenity was having second thoughts.

"You don't have to do this Serenity. I have no problem waiting." Jay expressed calmly. It was Serenity's idea to see if it was possible to do a paternity test with the baby still in the womb. It is. Now here they were.

"I know. I want to." Serenity shrugged. "I just feel like it'll be better if we know for sure. You're investing so much, I just, I don't want you to grow resentful if it turns out you're not the father."

Jay sighed heavily. This had been an ongoing discussion. He explained to Serenity on more than one occasion that he was here, regardless of the outcome.

"Who are you really doing this for? Me, or you? Because I've told you a million times where I stand with this. It doesn't matter what the test says, I'm here and we'll make it work." Jay spoke honestly. He loved Serenity and knew it wasn't her character to sleep around. She had a lapse in judgement, shit happens. Now they had to face the consequences.

Serenity fought back tears. This pregnancy had her overly emotional, but she loved the way Jay loved on her.

He was attentive.

Whenever Jay wasn't busy he was catering to every one of Serenity's needs. She got foot and back rubs on the daily, home cooked meals, and her scalp rubbed until she fell asleep. Life was good, but Serenity couldn't help but feel like it would all change if the paternity test wasn't in Jay's favor.

The last thing she wanted was get used to Jay being there, only for him to flip the script if the baby turned out not to be his. It would be better to get it all out of the way before the baby came.

"Me... and you," Serenity stated just above a whisper. "I don't want you to feel obligated to be here if it turns out you're not the father. It's unfair for you to carry someone else's weight because I was careless."

"Serenity, I'm here because I want to be." Jay lifted her chin with his finger so that they were eye to eye. "I love you. So I'm going to love anything that's a part of you. Rather or not we created this child together, does not matter to me. All that matters is me being here, stepping up, willing to help. What's so wrong about that?"

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