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Alicia eyed Goon with so much malice that it hurt his heart. He had seen every emotion from Alicia over the years, but this was something different.

This was hate.

"W-what are you even saying to me right now, Amar?" Alicia asked, tears welling up in her eyes. She heard him loud and clear.

"Li," Goon started, but paused. "I don't know man, shit, what you want me to say?"

Alicia's face burned with aggression as she shouted,  "Really, now you don't know what to say?! How about say some of that shit you were saying when you forced me out of my situation with Malik! Oh you're my first love, my family, we can make it work. All of that bullshit you always come spitting in my ear, and now this?" She allowed the tears to fall. Goon never failed to give Alicia false hope that they'd be a real family.

Unfortunately, she always fell victim to his bullshit.

For years Goon would hit Alicia with the back and forth, toying with her feelings. One minute he wanted his family, the next he was too burdened by the past. The minute Alicia decided no more, Goon stepped in and fucked that up too. Yet, he's supposed to happily ride off into the sunset and play happy family with someone else, fuck that!

"I fucked up Alicia. It's really nothing I can say. It's not like I meant for this shit to happen." Goon shrugged. It was done, he couldn't change it. What Goon did want was for Alicia to find out about the baby from him, not the streets.

Alicia stared Goon in the eyes, brow lifted. "If this were me coming to you stating I was pregnant, what would you say to me right now?" She asked, praying Goon said the right thing.

Sucking his teeth, Goon ran a hand across his disheveled braids. Women always wanted to break shit down into every possible outcome knowing whatever he said was going to be the wrong thing.

"We don't even have to go there Alicia. I just wanted you to hear it from the horses mouth." Goon explained. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Alicia any further. It was best they left well enough alone.

Wiping away tears that wouldn't stop falling, Alicia shook her head in disappointment.

"Wow, guess that answers that. You know what's fucked up about all of this, Amar?" Alicia shot daggers in Goon's direction. "This time I believed it would be different. I fucking believed in you and you shitted on me once again. Why is it that you get to keep hurting me, but you won't allow me to be happy with anyone else? A baby Amar, really, do you have any idea how that shit makes me feel? Do you care how that hurts me?"

Goon felt like shit.

He was dead wrong and couldn't even defend himself. Selfish, he was. Of course he didn't want to see Alicia with Malik. That was the ultimate blow to Goon's ego and Alicia knew that. Malik was the only person to ever make him feel like he had competition when it came to Alicia's heart.

Goon fought back his own tears as guilt and shame washed over him.

Truthfully, after Malik came demanding a blood test for AJ, Goon had made up his mind to be done with Alicia. He would never be able to trust her with his heart again after that. Some shit just hit different. He wasn't about to allow her to be with that nigga though. It was bad enough she fucked him while they were together.

"Listen, I'm not the best nigga, but I try. I have never bullshitted you before, and I won't start now. I love Em," Goon sighed, hating the feeling of throwing it in Alicia's face. "She's having my baby, and we're planning to be together. I didn't do any of this to hurt you Alicia, shit happens. I wanted us to work. You're my first love, the mother of my first born. We've been planning our lives together since we were teenagers," Goon chuckled sadly at the memory. "Shit, life had other plans. I love you and my son, this does not change that. I also respect you enough to let you know I'm all in with this."

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