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"Get that out of here!" RJ yelled  smacking his toddler basketball mocking Omar.

"Yeah little man, just like that." Omar laughed excitedly. "Now I have to get you a football and teach you how to go beast mode." He cracked up as the two of them played on the little tike toddler basketball goal Omar picked up for RJ.

Yuri looked over at the two of them and her heart was bursting with joy. It was the smile on her baby boy's face that was really touching her. RJ hadn't smiled at Randy since he was an infant.

"Food's almost done," Yuri called out. "You two need to go inside and clean up so we can sit down and eat on time."

"Awww," RJ pouted.

"Yeah, aww mommy. Why do you have to ruin our fun?" Omar asked while playfully pouting, approaching Yuri. He pecked her lips softly.

"You two had fun all day. It's time to wind down and after that it's mommy's time." Yuri stated matter of factly.

Omar smiled that panty wetting smile Yuri loved to see. "Is that right?"

"That's right." Yuri shot him a knowing glance.

"Say no more. I'll tire little man out and put him to bed early. I'm all yours after that." Omar kissed Yuri again before ushering RJ inside so they could get cleaned up.

Yuri could only blush as she watched her two favorite men head inside.

Omar had been a blessing in Yuri and RJ's life. After all the bullshit with Randy he let Yuri know that the two of them would be staying with him until further notice. That was three months ago, and Omar had since turned his bachelor pad into a toddler's paradise.

Part of Yuri felt guilty.

Randy had been blowing up her phone for two of the three months they had been at Omar's. He started out leaving angry voicemails, which had now turned into him crying about how he missed and wanted to see his son.

Yuri never wanted to be that girl that kept her child away from his father. She literally didn't know what else to do. Yuri couldn't talk to Omar about it because his stance was that they were better off without Randy. She didn't see it that way. Randy was still RJ's father no matter how much of a fuck up he was, and he had the right to spend time with his son.

That's the conversation Yuri was dreading having with Omar. She was planning to meet up with Randy so he could spend some time RJ. Omar wasn't argumentative, and Yuri had yet to see him angry, but she was still nervous to inform him of her decision.

Stepping back inside Yuri cracked her neck and headed towards the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. She was on edge. Yuri didn't want Omar to see her as some silly ass baby mama who put up with anything from the father of her child. She was hoping he would understand where she was coming from on this.

"You want me to fix the plates, or you got it?" Omar asked walking up behind Yuri. He kissed the side of her neck while snuggling up against her.

"I got it babe." Yuri smiled, turning to wrap her arms around Omar's neck. She kissed him seductively as his hands instinctively found their way to her waist. "You just take a seat and allow me to serve you."

RJ ran into the kitchen putting an end to Yuri and Omar's moment. He playfully ran over and attempted to jump onto Omar's back.

"RJ! Not so rough, nobody sitting in the hospital tonight." Yuri fussed.

"Tell mommy relax," Omar stated grabbing RJ up, holding him upside down, then tossing him over his shoulder."


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