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"I don't even know why you asked me to ride with you, we don't have shit to talk about!" Emory stated while rolling her neck. This was one of the things Goon hated about Em, her fucking mouth was ridiculous.

"Man shut the fuck up! You always show your ass and shit, but I'm always the one wrong." Goon spoke, pulling a blunt from behind his ear and lighting it.

He made Em ride with him back to Shyara's place so he could get at her about the dumb shit she pulled at his brother's birthday party two nights ago. For some reason, Emory thought it was cool to be cuffed up and flirting with the next nigga in Goon's face.

"Goon, I'm single, just as you are! I can do whom and what I want! You don't see me stepping to you and none of the bitches you entertain!" Emory yelled. She could never just have a civilized conversation.

"Cause you already know what the fuck it is with me Em, that's why!"

"And you know what the fuck it is with me as well, so I'm not understanding this argument." Emory shrugged.

"You're the only one yelling like a fucking maniac. I'm cool." Goon shrugged, blowing smoke from his mouth.

"I don't get you. You're not trying to be with one woman, but I'm supposed to just sit around and wait on you?" Em questioned, really wanting to know where Goon's head was at.

"That's exactly what the fuck I'm saying."

"And that's exactly why you got a bitch like me fucked up. You better act like you know, you ain't the only nigga on it!" Em spat, causing Goon to side-eye her.

"Man, I swear you'll make a nigga pop you in your shit Emory! You think that shit cute? You out here hoing around and smiling in all these niggas faces, how the fuck you think that makes me feel?!" Goon yelled, getting upset.

"Name a nigga I fucked Goon," Em spat mugging him. Goon said nothing. "Exactly! Your ass is quick to call a bitch a hoe, but that doesn't keep you out of your feelings. You knew who I was from the beginning, so don't get brand new now! I'm about my muthafucking coins and if a nigga wanna toss some my way, hey," She shrugged.

"You ain't hurting for no muthafucking money Em! Your ass just thirsty for attention."

"And you ain't hurting for no pussy but you can't seem to stay out of any and everybody's. Don't check me when you're out here doing the same shit I'm doing! Your ass don't even trust me to stay up in your crib without you there." Emory voiced, causing Goon to snap his head in her direction.

"You damn right! Look at the circumstances surrounding our meeting! You think I'm gonna be able to rest easy if I feel like you're raiding my shit?" Goon yelled.

"Okay, and that's fine! So don't get in your feelings when you see me doing me." Emory shrugged.

Em understood where Goon was coming from about leaving her alone in his shit, but it's been two years since they tried pulling that caper and the two of them had been solid ever since.

What Emory hated about Goon was the fact that he was ashamed to admit that he was actually feeling her. He obviously felt played about how they met, she didn't care though. Either his ass was gonna get right, or get left. There was no in between. Emory wasn't chasing any nigga unless he was dead and featured on a bill.

"Ain't in my muthafucking feelings, but you gon respect me. If I'm in the vicinity ain't no need for another nigga to be in your face, period!" Goon spat.

 If I'm in the vicinity ain't no need for another nigga to be in your face, period!" Goon spat

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