Wendy to the rescue!

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"Yeah. The old one." Lucy huffed. She couldn't control the way she Had to treat people at Sabertooth. "Ahem?" Nana said. "Nana~Kun you ruin the fun!" Sting whined. Nana took her hand off Lucy mouth and smiled brightly.

"LUCY I MISSED YOUU~" she squeezed Lucy really hard. Lucy was struggling to breathe at this point. "oh hehe sorry!"

"Sky Dragon wing attack!"

Slices of sharp wing were struck at Nana and Sting. It wasn't enough to take them down if they were in a fight, or had their guard up, but they weren't in a fight and didn't have their guard up.

So it just was enough to send them flying out the window.
'Thank god it was open.... that would've cost me a fortune!'
"Lucy~San are you alright..?"

Lucy looked down and saw Wendy and Carla on her head sleeping.
"Wendy?!?" Lucy said squealing.
"I thought you were with Romeo in the elementary...!" Lucy said.
"Uhhh...M-master makarov sent us up to the h-high school because I have Dragon Slaying magic and Romeo's Dad insisted."
Wendy explained carefully grabbing the sleeping carla on her head and holding her in her arms.

"Oh... why are you here though..?"
Lucy asked now sitting down on her bed. Lucy patted the spot next to her on the bed for Wendy to sit. Wendy shut the door and walked to the spot on the bed Lucy patted.

"I'm your new roomie."

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