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"Well this is a fight right?" Lucy said smirking with her eyes closed. "Well, when you put like that..." Mirajane says running like a cheetah to Lucy punching Lucy's chest. "AAAAA!" Lucy screamed falling back.

"Go Lucy!" A certain bluentte called. Lucy struggled, but got up.

"I'm not going down that easily, Mirajane." Lucy said looking at the girl. No expression on her face. Just a glare stare.

"Well it's a good thing you believe
in yourself,-" Mirajane was then cut off. The headmaster, Makarov, was walking up to the girls.

"Excuse me, ladies... we need you in the office." He said his eyes closed. His eyes were practically always closed. Unless he was in a rage mode...

"Yes Mr.Makarov!" They said at the same time, bowing at him.

Lucy was still pretty new to the school so she was following Mirajane like a lost puppy. I mean, she's only been there for a year, and still hasn't seen the like, 76th lobby, Locker room on the 5th floor, etc!

Mirajane turned around and spoke "Why are you following me? I'm going to the bathroom, oh no! Don't tell me your gonna go in with me!"

Lucy was blushing and stutterly said "W-what! M-m-Mira-chan!" Mirajane smirked and laughed a bit. "Oh come on now! I was just joking."
Mirajane said Happy it worked.

Mira smiled at Lucy, Lucy smiled back. Then Mirajane said "Seriously, are you going to follow me in the stall?" Mirajane says seriously. "MIRA-CHAN!" Lucy's screams.

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