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3 days later Monday, 31st.
At the track

Lucy POV
Natsu KNEW I couldn't be mad at that damn grin... Ughh!! Yes Lucy was still upset over the incident..

"Lucy! Heartfilia!!" Erza Scarlet screamed, knocking Lucy out of her thoughts; back into reality.

Lucy remembered, her and Mirajane were having a duel. A magic duel. Mirajane kept being a She-Demon a secret, only her little sister, Lisanna Staurss knew.

So she only used half her power for the duel, since the other half of her is a She-Demon.

"Sorry Erza!" Lucy was like any other person, scared of Erza. "Shall we begin?" Erza said looking at the both of them. Only a few people were watching since, the whole reason the were having a magic duel is Mirajane, was doing a dare.

"Yes, Erza. We're ready." Mirajane said calmly with a smile. "Open, gate of the golden bull, Taurus!" Lucy says. "Mooove that body!" Taurus said dancing. "Ok you PERV, we have to fight someone you know!" Lucy said at the bull.

"Anything for yooou mrs. Lucy!" Tauturs said whiling out his axe almost hitting Mirajane but, she doged by a paper thin.

" Hey now!" Mirajane yelled "Don't be so violent!"

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