Chapter 16 - Punishment Starts

Start from the beginning

As he was walking around he came across a clearing and he had to pause. In the clearing was a number of dogs playing. He could immediately tell they weren't Were's. They just didn't have the feel of a Were. Kevin had heard of these dogs and seen Charlie when he was here but he was always shocked at the size of the animals. They were massive and from what he had seen damn intelligent. The dogs from Ray's family had passed a while back and he actually missed having them around. He had been thinking about getting a couple of rescue dogs and maybe a cat or two as well. He had grown up with pets and wanted some more.

"They're nice, aren't they?" Toby replied, walking up to Kevin, "I always love to come play with them when I have a minute, but if you start giving them attention, they might start come looking for it.

Several had come up to sniff at them, "As long as we stay out here, it is unlikely they will want to bond with you, although there are always the ones that have a mind of their own and will go how they want."

Kevin smiled at Toby, "Other than Charlie, Shelly, or Wolf, I haven't really seen much of them. We had a couple of dogs at the Enclave from Ray's family and a friend of his. They have since passed on. I was just thinking it might be time to see about getting a few rescue dogs and or cats. I miss them and so do the pups. The adult Folicians weren't sure about them, since they don't really have pets as we know them. Not saying these are pets but they are reminding me about the dogs." He almost wished he had one of these dogs since they were so smart and wonderful. He could imagine the little pups loving having one to play with.

Toby grinned, "That is kind of you to give the rescues a home. I can't understand people that don't enjoy pets. I love these guys, and the few times I have played with our cousin wolves—what you would call a 'real' wolf—as well." He could see a wistful look as he looked at their dogs, "If you would like to ask about one of these, you would have to ask the Alphas, as generally we don't sell these; they are donated or matched with someone."

"I know, I've talked to Adam before about them and understand. Either they adopt you or one is provided via the service animal charity you work with. Don't need one since I don't need protection, none of the Folicians do. All of us have the shipboard bracelets which give us an armour few if any of your weapons could penetrate." He shrugged as he was looking out over the field. As he was looking one dog came over and gave Toby a head butt before doing the same for Kevin before flopping down. He was panting and was obviously taking a break, "When I get some rescue dogs I might talk to Adam about sending them up here to be trained. That isn't a skill I have."

Toby bent to pet him a bit, "To them, a headbutt is equivalent to a hug, as they lack arms.Orwe could arrange a wolf to come down and train them, and you. Half the training is for the owners. Even with these guys."


Smiles walked into the green house and started to relax even more. This reminded her of the hot springs at the enclave and back at the temple she came from. What helped was she could actually see out the large windows. Since it was nice out, many of the windows were open, so she could smell the fresh air, too. Back at the Enclave it was all holograms. She loved those springs but even as complete as the holograms were, she knew they weren't real. Here she was in real nature. As she was removing her robes and underwear, several people called out greetings which she returned. After sliding into the water, she leaned back and sighed in contentment.

Beth walked in right after she did and smiled at Smiles as she started to relax, "Morning Smiles, decided it was time to take another vacation? Know the feeling. I'm thinking about going to the reservation for a week or two myself." She settled down next to Smiles and sighed in contentment. Now that she was older, and the wolves were out, everyone knew, and they had treated her with more reverence than the elders, till she put her foot down, and asked to be treated how they treated her before she was turned.

Wolf Tech 6: The PupsWhere stories live. Discover now