Chapter 14

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As he should have expected, it was early morning when medical contacted Zane about the ADA, "Yah, what?" He mumbled into the phone. They had been planning on going back late morning and he hoped this call didn't delay the flight. He really wanted to get back to his pack and get caught up with his work.

"Sorry to disturb you Zane but the ADA is starting to wake and wanted to let you know." One of the pack had been asked to stay in the room and help her while she was unconscious. She had alerted them it both looked and smelled like she was going to be waking soon.

"Oh, thanks for the call. Be down soon." He rolled onto his back and stretched carefully to avoid waking Kat but it didn't work. Chances were good the phone had done that since she was used to his getting up at odd times, "Not sure you heard but the ADA is waking up." He slid out of bed and pulled on whatever clothing came to hand.

Even as he was doing that she stood as well, "Hope they catch him soon. This is very annoying. My wolf wants to help you tear him to shreds for what he's trying to do to you." They weren't amused and when he was found they weren't going to be nice about it. If she could, she would take him to the ring and deal with him for Zane.

He knew what she was thinking and he would have to think about it. She was feeling as blood thirsty as Brook was at times. Zane wasn't sure if he wanted her to tear him to pieces. It wouldn't really accomplish much as far as he was concerned. They would talk about it later. Once she was dressed they headed down to medical, "Safe to go in I assume?" Kat asked. When the healer nodded, both walked in.

Zane settled on the edge of the bed and grasped one of her hands. When he felt her hand spasm slightly he knew they were right, "Call Adam and the plane. Let them know we're going to be delayed for a time." Adalia could spend time with Goran if she didn't mind. He simply couldn't remain gone much longer. He sat there until she started to groan.

"What the hell hit me? God, I feel used and stiff." Liza tried to sit up but she was being held down, "Let go, I want to sit up." She was a strong woman and had to be to have made it to the position she was in.

"Relax Liza, I'm Second Zane Donovan from the Wild Valley pack in Canada. You were bit by a rogue wolf and have been progressing through the change for the last two or so weeks. Your boss knows, and you are on medical leave right now and I'm here to talk to you for a while. No, you aren't in Canada, I came down to help the other rogue changed person." He pressed his hand against her shoulder, "Just lay there for a while to give yourself time to really wake. Once you have fully woken some food will be here for you."

Her eyes snapped open and her hazel eyes were hard when she realized what he was saying, "What? I was bitten? Have you caught the rogue yet? What sort of punishment will it get?" He was too strong and she finally gave up trying to sit.

The she-wolf who had been taking care of her brought over a sealed mug with a straw in it, "Here's some water if you want. Slowly sip on it for a while before you get a large sip." She helped her get some of the water before putting the mug down on a bed table.

"We are hunting him right now. When caught he will be sentenced to death by Lycan laws. I'll be coming down once he is captured and take care of the punishment. You will be there as will David since both of you have the right to see him punished. Due to the way he left his pack, any valuables or funds he has remaining there will be split evenly between the two of you." When he was sure she wasn't going to try and sit up again he relaxed his hand.

"Why did he attack me? What was the point?" She didn't have any idea why he had bit her or the notes left for her and the paper.

"Because he has a grudge against me. He was attending a school I helped instruct at and I reported him for some major infractions and that was the root cause of his being kicked out. He went back to his pack and ended up getting kicked out of there for much the same things. He feels it is my fault for everything which happened so he is trying to make me look bad." A vicious expression crossed his face, "He will regret it before he dies. I'm debating on handing him over to my mate to deal with. It's going to be a tough choice for me. Kill him or let her deal with him. Generally, female wolves are the more vicious."

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