Several Azgeda men started shouting, and they drew their bows. I followed their gaze to the cliff. Monty walked toward us, hands raised. I didn't have to know the whole plan to know that this was not part of it. "I'm unarmed!" He shouted. "I need to talk to whoever's in charge!"

A warrior in a skull mask grabbed Monty and shoved him toward us. Monty fell to the ground, landing right in front of me. I moved my hands to help him up, but the chains cut into my wrists. "Is Octavia alive?" Bellamy whispered. Monty looked between the two of us and nodded.

"Speak," Echo said, coming up beside us.

"One of our people has moved out of formation," Monty explained. "I have reason to believe he's trying to kill your king."

Echo was visibly shaken, but she tried to hide it. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Why do you think?" Bellamy asked incredulously. "He's trying to stop a massacre."

"Who is it?" Kane asked.


"Riley?" Bellamy repeated. "He shouldn't even be here." The name didn't mean anything to me. Apparently I'd missed a few things while I was in Polis.

Echo motioned for two of her warriors to follow her. "Wait!" Monty shouted. "If our snipers see your archers move, they'll shoot."

"I won't allow my king to be assassinated."

"Neither will I," I said. "Take me with you, they'll let you walk out of here if you're with me." Echo frowned. "I made a promise that I would keep Roan alive. Unlike him, I keep my promises." She sighed, but nodded. I was helped to my feet.

"I know Riley," Bellamy said. "I'll go too, I can talk him down." He started to stand up, but Echo gave him a scalding look.

"Only Maia," she said firmly. "Take off her chains and put them on that one." She nodded toward Monty. The chains were removed from my ankles. I gave Monty an apologetic look, but he shook his head. "If I'm not back before the sun goes behind the trees, kill the hostages," Echo commanded.

"I got this," I promised Monty.

He nodded. "I know."

I headed for the trees and Echo followed. I didn't have to look back to know her sword was drawn. I led her up and over the ridge. The path to the cave had become quite familiar while Pike had been in charge. "We'll find him up here, best sight line to the cave." Echo just grunted. "You know you killed my friend. Her name was Shauna Bishop. She died in Mount Weather."

"I was following orders."

"Isn't everyone?" I shook my head. "She was good with computers, like really good. I don't know if she could've helped stop praimfaya, but I wouldn't doubt it. We could've used her."

"I know the things I've done," Echo said. "I know what lies on my shoulders. You don't have to tell me."

"You've hated me since I got to Polis," I noted. "It's not just because I'm Skaikru, is it?" Echo was silent. "It's just us girls, I can keep a secret." I glanced over my shoulder. She made a sour face. "Seriously, I don't get it. What did I do to offend you so bad?"

"He trusts you," she said finally. I tilted my head in confusion. "Roan. He likes you, and I don't understand why. At first I thought he kept you in Polis to weaken your people, you were important to Skaikru. But, it wasn't that. He wanted you because you were loyal and trustworthy. Good traits to surround yourself with."

I was still baffled by her explanation. "Are you jealous?"

"I will always be a spy," Echo said. "This is the life that was chosen for me. I am good at what I do. But, my people will always look at my scarless skin and see a spy. My King will never trust me, no matter how many times I prove myself to him." She shook her head. "I wanted you to be disappointing, to not live up to expectations. But you have, because you are loyal and trustworthy."

"I'm a firm believer that everyone can change," I said. "We all make mistakes, but we all deserve second chances. What other people see in us doesn't matter. Arbitrary titles like spy or thief don't define us. We define ourselves." I looked over at her and she glanced away. "If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy. It might take time, but it's up to you to decide who you are."

She was quiet for a minute. "I'm sorry about your friend," she said. "And I'm glad that Octavia lived." I gave her a soft smile.

Her eyes drifted ahead, she pointed. I followed her gaze to the boy lying on the ridge. "That must be him. Hang back, I've got this." I jogged toward him. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. "Riley?"

"You're Robin Hood," he murmured. "Maia, right?" I nodded. "You should go."

"I can't do that," I told him. I glanced back at Echo. She reached for her bow. I held up a hand quickly. "No, definitely not the signal I was trying to send there," I hissed. I turned back to Riley, who was now on edge. "Riley, put down the gun. I left Kane, Bellamy, and Monty back there. If you pull that trigger, Azgeda will kill them."

"You're their prisoner, why should I believe anything you say?" He asked.

"I've done the whole mouthpiece for the bad-guy thing. I can promise you that I will never let myself be used like that again." I knelt down next to him. "I'm trying to save people."

"Ours or theirs?" He countered.

"We don't have time for this," Echo said. She raised her bow. I leaped up and stood between her and Riley.

"I'm assuming Azgeda hurt you, right?" I asked Riley, looking over my shoulder. He nodded. "They took one of my best friends. I know it's probably insignificant compared to what you've been through. But, I'm telling you, killing the King will not fix anything. It won't bring back Shauna, and it won't erase your pain."

He glanced over at me. "How do you know?"

"Because I've killed people too, Riley. It never feels as satisfying as you think it's going to feel, not even when they really deserve it." I looked toward the cave. "And that man does not deserve it."

I walked in front of Riley, he tried to adjust but I moved with him. I held my hands up in surrender. "If you want to kill him, you have to kill me first." Riley was trembling, and then he pushed the gun away. He buried his face in his hands and started crying. I knelt in front of him and wrapped my arms around him. "Shh, it's okay. We're going to get through this together." I rubbed his arms reassuringly. "Go back to Arkadia, we'll be there soon."

I stood up. Echo had already started toward Roan and Clarke. I gave Riley one last look before joining them. Roan and Clarke both looked surprised to see us. "Maia, are you okay?" Clarke asked. I nodded.

"What'd we miss?" Roan asked. Echo and I shared a look. She just shook her head.

"So, we're not going to war?" I asked.

"Not today."

"If we can't crack nightblood, then we'll share Arkadia," Clarke explained. "We'll find a way to survive together."

I opened my mouth to tell Clarke she was stealing my line, but before I could, an explosion cut me off. We all turned toward the sound. A plume of black smoke rose in the distance. "It came from Arkadia," Clarke whispered.

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