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Was this the best thing to do? Two months pregnant, leaving London in the early morning to run away to Brighton. Leaving Bella? Leaving him.

You love Dan. You have since you met him. You've been together for a year. You're engaged. But yet. It fell. I fell. I left. No reason. I left Bella.

You finally read the subway. Using your card you get a ticket and rush to the platform. You shouldn't do this. Not now. But then again. You needed a break. You were tired. What was Phil going to think. What about Martin?

These thoughts flood your head as you step onto the train. No turning back.

The ride was quiet for a Monday morning. No rush. You just sat silently playing with your ring. You decided to ask Emma to meet you outside the train station since you didn't know where she lived.
Stepping out of the station you notice Emma leaning against her car. She spots you and rushes over hugging you. "You've got some explaining to do" she giggles pulling away.
This was going to be long.

Sorry that their short. Im stumped on ideas

Just the beginning (Dan Howell X Reader) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now