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"what's wrong Hun" Dan asks running his hands through my hair comfortingly. I need to tell him now. "Dan I'm-"

You swallow hard. I cant do this again. "I'm uh- come with me" you say taking his hand as you lead him upstairs to the room. Sitting on the bed he looks at you concerned. "So um I've not got a virus" you look down blinking away the tears. "Dan I know we've just had Bella. like 7 and a half months ago but, I'm-" Dan hugs you tight before you finish "pregnant I guess" Dan pulls away looking in your eyes. "we'll be okay" he kisses your forehead.

----le time skip month later----

Phil and martin had gone on a spontaneous holiday to America for a month. which did seem weird but you decided on interrogating. Bella had changed a lot her hair, though short, has suddenly changed from her old light blond to a nutty brown. But today was the day dans family came and stayed, and as they leave they take bella to give you and dan a break. It was 8 in the morning, And you didn't really wanna get up. Dan's alarm went off, Dan turning it off you tighten your grip across Dan. "y/n" Dan sighs "no" you whine hugging Dan closer "but my parents are gonna be here in a hour" he replies trying to get free as you hear the quiet cry of Bella downstairs. Dan huffs "I've got a idea but let me get up" he chuckles, You finally release him as Dan goes downstairs.

You wait a few minuets before Dan comes up, in one hand he holds your daughter close and in the other he olds two cups of tea whilst biting the tip of the bottle for Bella. Dan walks to your side passing you Bella who was wide awake and gurgling. cradling your daughter on your slightly swollen stomach. Dan places a mug of tea on the table beside you handing you the bottle as he walks back to his side getting in the bed.

You and Dan spent the next half hour Cuddled up. You on Dan's shoulder with Bella asleep on Dan's chest. Dan and you had spent most of the time talking about the baby. You hadn't actually told anyone apart from Dan. You had decided to tell Dan's parents if the subject was brought up at any point over the course of the weekend. you had finally come to the conclusion you had to get out of bed.

Once you where both changed Dan going with his famous eclipse shirt and black jeans and you had decided to wear one of Dan's shirts and grey jeans. Dan being bigger than you height wise so the shirt easily hid your small bump. Dan had claimed he was cleaning and dressing Bella, so you let him do that as you made the bed and took all the cups downstairs after messily tying your hair up.

After doing your cleaning essentials the door bell rang. "FUCK THEY'RE EARLY" you heard Dan squeal as you hear him run into the bathroom, He must of procrastinated and ended up playing games with Bella. You giggle to yourself as you hear the bath run. You walk to the door and answer it to see the Howells.

After the awkward hugs and conversations you take the bags to the rooms as dan goes downstairs with Bella finally clean and dressed.

Just the beginning (Dan Howell X Reader) ON PAUSEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt