Funny Stuffs (130)

1.1K 200 20

If I could, I would buy a bus and bury it in my backyard. I would open up the escape hatch on the roof and put a ladder leading from the floor to ground level. Then I would take out all the seats and replace them with couches. I'd put in a big ass TV, a sound system, a bed, an Xbox, and a mini fridge.

Vote if you would do this and if you think it's a cool idea. :)


Hello, my name is Karma. If you vote for me, I will get all those people who were an ass to you. If you don't vote I'll get you for not voting for me.

P.S. Yes. I'm a bitch.


Beautiful (Clean) by Eminem on the side ~ I really love this song!!!

Ik those two arent really jokes but i wanted to post them. :) i would totally do that first one tho!!!!!

anywaysers, i'd like possibly 1.7K total votes for the next update. i hope its not too much to ask of you guys a=who are doing really awesome with the votes and things btw!! :D

well theres not a lot to be said from meh since i said most of it in the last update. :) 

if i dont update before Easter, have a good one everybody!!!


- lily xx

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