Funny Stuffs (103)

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-Life Hacks-

~ Shoes too small? Put on three pairs of socks, put the shoes on, and blow dry for 10 minutes. They'll fit perfectly.
~ Drink tons of apple juice before you go to bed. A chemical compound in the juice will help you to have vivid awesome dreams.
~ Putting your phone on airplane will stop ads while playing games.
~ You can shrink a pimple in minutes by putting a dab of Listerine on it. The alcohol will dry it up and cause it to fade.
~ You can heal paper cuts and immediately stop the pain with chapstick.


*Watching Spongebob*

The Captain: "ARE YOU READY KIDS?"
Me: "Aye-aye, captain!"
The Captain: "I CANT HEAR YOOUU!"
Me: "I said 'Aye-aye, captain'. F*ck, you're missing an eye not an ear."


abt the first one, Ive never personally done them, but I just wanted to put 'em here 2 c if u guys wanted to try them or something. :) I may or may not try the second one, since i have a strong hate fpr apple juice. THE STUFF MAKES ME WANNA PUKE OKAY. I CANT HEELP IT.

as fo da second thang, THAT JUST CRACKED ME UP TO THE MAX MAN. also, imma stop with the apologies for my choice of words in these jokes since I rated this PG-13, so its for those who are old enough (hopefully) and mature enough (once again HOPEFULLY) to hear them without complaints. :)))


- lilyyyyy xx

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