Funny Stuffs (125)

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Normal People: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert.

Me: Snack when I wake up, Pre-breakfast, Breakfast, Second breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Second lunch, Tea and cookies, Soup, Dinner, Seconds, Thirds, Dessert, Snack before bed, Midnight snack.


When I'm Gone (Clean) by Eminem on the side
WARNING!!! that song is INSANELY sad. it made me want to cry but I didnt since I don't really cry over songs but still. you get the point.


Sorry Its been a while since I've updated, I've just been lazy blah blah blah. Im not good at excuses whether they're real OR NAH so...


one of the reasons actually is that we got a VERY high  wifi bill last month so me & my brothers got the internet taken away for a while cuz my mom was being a butt tard and i was very angry. LIKE I COULDNT EVEN USE THE INTERNET ON MY PHONE! I HAD TO TURN IT ALL OFF (minus the times when I snuck on just to peek at wattpad and piccollage and stuff ^_^)! HOLY FUDGE IM TOTALLY KIDDING ABT MY MOM BEING A BUTT TARD (though she was being kind of unfair) CUZ I LOVE HER VERY MUCH AND I PROMISE THAT. LOVE YA MUMZY!!!! <3 <3 <3 :)

oooookkkkk then. even i weird myself out sometimes. O_O

ERR MY GOODNESS GUYS THANKS FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES AND SUCH!!!! ITS SO FREAKIN AMAZING AND IM JUST A HAPPY HAPPY GIRL AND TYSM AGAIN!!! I do realize Im very late with this update, so I will hopefully b updating again 2day even tho my stupid teacher that thinks so highly of herself decided to give us homework over spring break so im supposed to be doing that. 

well i have nothing else to say now so imma go and ATTEMPT to get the next update ready.




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