Funny Stuffs (75)

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A man woke up from a nap and found a letter on the top of the fridge. He opened the letter and it read:

Dear Jason,

It is no longer working and I cannot continue staying here. I am leaving and won't come back until something is done about this problem.



He opened the fridge and got a chilled drink and took a sip. With a surprised look on his face, he said, "But the fridge is working perfectly fine! What the hell was she talking about?"


THANK YOU GUYS SO FRICKIN MUCH FOR ALL OF THE VOTES AND COMMENTS AND SUPPORT AND JUST FOR LOOKING AT THESE THINGYS IN GENERAL!!! It means the world to me and I just can't thank you enough!! But, I still feel like setting a goal so that there's something for y'all's to work towards. :)


600 Total Votes

It's not that much more than what it's already at, but eh. I'm sure none of you mind. :)

Alright my funny stuffers, that is all.


- The Lil Meister (I just love this nickname :D)

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