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I have to keep going... no matter what. The bandages that were around my stomach were slowly getting soaked with blood as I continued to walk forward. With each step I took, blood dripped to the ground. I panted softly as I walked faster.

"I need to rest... or else I'll pass out from blood loss." I said to myself. After I found myself a place to rest, I set traps around me so I would wake up incase anyone came near. "I'll rest for a few minutes... then I'll get back to searching for a Heaven's Scroll." I told myself. 

I sat against a tree and closed my eyes to rest.

Sasuke's POV

"How could you let her walk off like that?!" I yelled. "It's not like we did it on purpose! She knocked us out before we could even do anything!" Naruto objected. "You should've kept a better eye on her!" I yelled again.

"Guys, stop arguing! This isn't helping! We have to find Nemesis-chan before she ends up getting killed!" Sakura said. "Sakura's right. She's already hurt. If we don't find her, who knows what could happen to her." Naruto agreed.

I sighed in irritation before nodding my head. "Let's hurry up and find her." I said. "Don't worry. She hasn't gotten far,"

We all turned around as Kabuto Yakushi walked over to us. "Your teammate. Messy black hair, red eyes, wears a school uniform, right?" He asked. "Do you know where she is?" Naruto asked. "I saw her in the woods not long ago. But at the pace she's going, I don't think she'll make it. She's really pushing herself." He mentioned.

"Can you help us?" Sakura asked. "Sure, why not?" He agreed. "Hold on. Why do you wanna help us? What's the catch?" I asked, frowning.

"Why would you think there's a catch? You see, I already have my scrolls and I'll be rendezvousing with my team near the tower." Kabuto explained. "I know you want something in return. Out with it. What is it that you want?" I demanded.

Kabuto chuckled. "All right, you caught me. I'm a little curious about your teammate. It's obvious she's not from around her and she's clearly hiding something. I want to know what it is. I didn't get enough info off her and I wonder why. Here's the deal. Once I help you find Nemesis, you'll tell me everything there is to know about her and who she really is. Deal?" He smirked.

"No way! Not a chance!" Naruto denied. "Deal." I said. "Huh?! Sasuke, are you out of your mind?! We just can't betray Nemesis like that! She's our friend!" Naruto said. "You wanna find her, don't you? Like you said, she's hurt and she probably needs our help. If we don't give him what he wants, Nemesis might die. Do you really want that?" I said.

Naruto frowned. "Tick-tock. You're losing time. Waste any more time and Nemesis will die." Kabuto said. "You talk as if you know where Nemesis is." Sakura said, frowning. 'What if he does know where Nemesis is and he's just setting us up?' Better keep an eye on this one.' I thought.

"If you know where Nemesis-chan is, you better tell us now!" Sakura ordered. "Damn it all. We don't have a choice. All right, fine. We have a deal." Naruto said. 

"Then, it's settled. Let's go and find your friend." Kabuto said, leading the way.

We leaped through the trees in attempt to find Nemesis. "Look! Down there! I see her!" Naruto informed. We looked down and spotted Nemesis resting by a tree. We jumped to the ground and Naruto ran over to Nemesis.

"Nemesis-chan, are you all right?" He called as he ran over to her. "Naruto, wait!" Kabuto called. But it was too late as he got himself in a rope trap. The rope wrapped around his ankle and lifted him into the air. "Hey, what the hell's the big idea?!" He yelled.

"Nemesis must've set up a trap before she blacked out. She probably has the whole area around her booby-trapped. She sure did come prepared, huh?" Kabuto commented. "Can someone get me down from here?" Naruto called.

I sighed and threw a kunai knife at the rope, cutting Naruto down. He rolled forward and landed on his feet. "Careful now. Nemesis has set traps everywhere." Kabuto informed. He cautiously walked over to Nemesis and kneeled down, checking her pulse.

But before he did that, he noticed a puddle of blood surrounding Nemesis. "Holy crap. She's lost a lot of blood. She must've pushed herself harder than I anticipated," Kabuto checked her pulse. "She's still alive, but her pulse is low." He informed.

Nemesis's eyes quickly opened as she took out her knife and raised it near Kabuto's throat. "Nemesis-chan, wait! Don't kill him!" Sakura said. Nemesis looked at all of us, then sighed, dropping her head in exhaustion.

"Nemesis-chan!" Sakura said, worriedly. "We need to get to the tower and get her wounds healed!" Naruto said. "And how are we gonna do that? She can't even walk!" I said. "I'm fine. I can make it." Nemesis said.

She attempted to stand up, but the pain in her stomach made her fall back down. "Like hell you're fine! You can't even stand!" Naruto said. "Well, if she's not gonna make to the tower on foot, then we have no choice but to carry her." Kabuto said.

His hand reached towards Nemesis until she slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me." She said, coldly. "Nemesis-chan, what are you doing?" Sakura asked. "This exam is about life or death. We don't have allies. We only have enemies. Therefore, you, Kabuto Yakushi, are my enemy." Nemesis said.

"Are you kidding me?! Now's not the time for this, Nemesis-chan! You're going to die if we don't get you to that tower!" Naruto argued. "He's right! Quit being so stubborn!" I said. "I don't... have... a choice..." Nemesis said, slowly before closing her eyes.

'Don't have a choice? What does she mean by that?' I thought. "Nemesis-chan!" Naruto and Sakura said at the same time. "What happened to her?" I asked. "She passed out. From the looks of it, she doesn't have much time. We better hurry." Kabuto said and picked her up.

He put her on his back and we made a run for the tower. "Hang in there, Nemesis-chan! We're almost there!" Naruto said. The closer we got to the tower, it felt like it kept moving farther and farther away from us. It didn't take me long to realize we were trapped in a genjutsu.

We were suddenly surrounded by rain ninja as they kept repeating the sentence, "Give me your scroll."

"What do we now?" Sakura asked. "Looks like we don't have any other choice. We fight." Kabuto said, smirking. "Protect Nemesis. We can't allow them to get near her." I said. "Right!" Naruto and Sakura agreed.

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