Chunin Exams

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The next morning, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got dressed before heading to the academy. When I locked up, I noticed Sakura standing there. "Good morning, Sakura. Can I help you with something?" I asked, facing her.

"Uh, no. Not really. I just wanted to see if you wanted some help walking to the academy, since you're new to the village and all." She said. "That's very nice of you. Thank you." I said. The two of us walked to the academy in silence.

"So, how'd you sleep?" Sakura spoke, making me look at her. "I slept okay. Although, I was attacked yesterday." I mentioned. "You, too?" She asked.

"Who attacked you?"

"A Rain ninja."

"One attacked me, too. Although, I don't think it was a real Rain ninja."

"What do you mean?"

"I think it was actually a Leaf Village ninja disguised as a Rain ninja. I found a Leaf Village headband after my battle."

"But why would a Leaf Village ninja disguise themselves as a Rain ninja?"

"Probably a test to see if we are ready for the exams."  

"Wow... Hey, why are you in your school uniform?"

"I just felt more comfortable in this."

We stayed quiet for a while until Sakura began to speak again. "Hey, Nemsis-chan. What do you think of Sasuke?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I asked, returning the question. "Um... Do you have feelings for him?" She asked.


"Oh... Okay, then."

"Is there a reason to why you asked me such a question?"

"No, no reason at all."

I looked at her, then looked ahead. "I can see you don't wish to talk about it. That's fine." I said. "But just out of curiosity... What is your type in a guy?" Sakura asked. "I don't have one." I answered. "Really? No type at all?" She asked, looking shocked.

"I focus more on my assignments than on relationships." I informed.

When we got to the academy, we climbed to the third floor... or so we thought. We only made it to the second floor and apparently, a lot of genin were huddled near a door. "Please, we need to get in there." A girl said.

She tried to move past the two genin, but they wouldn't let her as they hit her. "Let's go." I said, walking through the crowd of genin. "But, Nemesis-chan... We're supposed to go through this door. It says so on the sign." Naruto said as he, Sasuke, and Sakura followed me.

"We're on the second floor. I'm pretty sure those two genin put up a genjutsu. Let's hurry. I don't want to draw any attention to ourselves. " I informed. "Wow! You saw through the genjutsu, Nemesis-chan! Way to go!" Naruto cheered, loudly.

Just when he said that, every genin in the hall looked at us. I sighed. "Just when I said, I don't want to draw any attention to ourselves." I said. "Let's just go." Sasuke said, quickly. I nodded in agreement and we went to leave, but the genin stopped us.

"Hey!" We stopped in our tracks and glanced at two genin. "You. The one wearing the school uniform. Come over here." One of them said. I narrowed my eyes at them before walking towards them.

"Nemesis." Sasuke grabbed my arm and shook his head, telling me not to go towards them. "Don't worry. I'll make this quick." I said. He let go of my arm and I proceeded to walk towards the genin. "Did you need something?" I asked, frowning at them.

"So, you saw through the genjutsu, huh?" The one with the spiky black hair said. "Yes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." I said. I turned around and walked away from them.

"Big mistake, girly."

I stopped walking and grabbed their ankle as they were about to kick me, my back facing them. "No, I think you made the big mistake." I said. I grabbed the rest of his leg, flipped him over my shoulder and kicked his stomach. He went flying a few feet, landing in front of the other genin.

"Next time, I won't hold back." I warned. "That was holding back?!" All the genin said. I glanced at them, in which they all jumped in fear. I walked towards them as they all moved out of the way, allowing me to walk past them without any trouble.

"Let's go." I said to Squad 7. They gave a nod and followed me.

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