The Leaf Village

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Nemesis's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I began to regain consciousness. I lifted my head off the ground and sat up, looking around. "Where am I?" I mumbled. I stood to my feet and dusted the dirt off my clothes. Why am I outside? Wasn't I in the gaming club? Something's not right.

I walked forward until I came across a small town. 'Maybe I could get some information?' I thought to myself. I entered the town and walked around until I stopped to ask for directions. "Excuse me," I walked towards an old woman.

"Sorry to bother you, but can you tell me where I am?" I asked, politely. "Are you new?" She asked. "Yes." I answered. "Oh, dearie, This is the Leaf Village." She said.

"The Leaf Village?" I've never heard of such a thing until now. How did I get here? Wait... In the Gaming Club... when I touched the button, a light appeared. Is that how I got here? Did I get sucked into some game? But this place doesn't look like a game.

"Do you know how to get back to Akademi High School?" I asked the old woman. "Where?" She asked. "Akademi High School." I repeated. "I'm sorry, but I've never heard a place like that." She said. "Oh... I see... Thank you for your time, then." I gave a small bow and walked away.

I'm definitely not where I'm supposed to be. Perhaps I'm in some different universe. No, that's crazy. You'd have to go through some kind of portal in order to do that? Hmm... There has to be a way to get back to Akademi High School. I just have to look around.

"Hurry up, Sasuke! You're slowly us down!" I turned my head when I heard that sentence. A boy with black hair and onyx eyes, wearing white shorts and a blue t-shirt slowly made his way over to two kids and an adult as his hands were in his pockets.

He looks almost like Ayano. My eyes widened when it dawned on me. That must be Ayano, wearing a disguise! My gloved hands clenched into fists as I walked towards my target. I have you this time, Ayano. I'm not letting you get away this time.

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