Nothing on Nemesis-chan

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"Info cards?" I repeated as we talked to a fellow genin named Kabuto. "Yeah. I've got more than 200 of them. So you see, I haven't been completely wasting my time. They may not look like much to the naked eye. In fact, they appear blank. Don't want just anyone seeing this stuff." He explained.

"So basically, you've got just about enough information on almost everyone. Including us." I said. "You're a smart little genin, aren't you? So, who would you like to know?" Kabuto asked.

"I would ask you about a target of mine, but I doubt you'll be able to get anything, seeing how she's not from around here. Not even I'm from around here." I said. "He said that he's got information on just about everyone, including us. So maybe there might be something about you we don't know about, Nemesis." Sasuke said.

"I've already told you everything there is to know about me. My information might not be on the info cards." I told him. "Nemesis-chan might have a point there, Sasuke. She's not from this world, so how could this guy have any information on her?" Naruto asked.

"Regardless, I still wanna know more about her." Sasuke said. 'Persistent little boy, isn't he?' I thought while glancing at him. I sighed while resting a hand over my face. "Very well. Do as you please." I said.

"Nemesis, huh? That's a peculiar name. Let's see what you don't want us to find out." Kabuto said. "You can try if you like, but I doubt it'll work." I replied with a shrug. Kabuto took an info card and showed the information. 

"Looks like your friend wasn't kidding. There's nothing on Nemesis. All there really is, is her name. No age, birthday, rank. Not even a little background history. But it does say she's very skilled in taijutsu, but she doesn't know any ninjutsu or genjutsu. She seems to be ruthless when it comes to doing an assignment and doesn't rest until the task has been completed. Some might say she's persistent." Kabuto read aloud. 

"See? I told you there wasn't gonna be anything on her." Naruto said. "But just out of curiosity, what village are you from, Nemsis? Don't you have family? Siblings? Don't you wanna tell one interesting thing about you that's not on the info card?" Kabuto asked. 

"Hmm..." I rested a finger on my chin and thought to myself before shaking my head. "I'ms orry, but there's nothing I wish to say." I said. As a hunter, I have to keep my identity a secret. I can't let them know anything about my role as a hunter. I must remain a secret.

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